Benefits of Marijuana in Cancer treatment

nausea and Vomiting-During chemotherapy, most patients are prone to nausea and vomiting. Marijuana is known to be a good drug that reduces these effects. Weed contains a cannabinoid known as CBD (Cannabinol) which alongside another called THC help in reducing the Nausea. Cancer patients have used drugs like Marinol which is a form of THC in reducing these chemotherapy side effects. This drug was approved by the FDA for treating nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy in 1985.
Curbing Weight Loss-Cancer patients undergo chemotherapy which results to weight loss that comes about as a result of nausea and vomiting and constant lack of appetite. However, marijuana came to their rescue since it helps curb both. We have seen that it reduces nausea. It also improves the appetite of the user. Any weed smoker out there will be sure to tell you of a day they gained lots of appetite after smoking a joint. Improving the weight ensures that the patients stay healthy always and the body functions properly.
Sleep problems-cancer patients have difficulties finding and maintain sleep. These problems are rampant and cancer patients are ever at a state of unrest. However, marijuana helps in that one of its side effects include sleep. This is a normal side effect that any weed smoker may have experienced. For cancer patients, it is always prudent to operate on doctor’s prescriptions. Self-medication may not be effective because maybe you smoked/ took a strain that does not induce much sleep. Also, the dosages and frequencies vary from patient to patient.
Fatigue and Pain-On many occasions, cancer patients find themselves experiencing huge deals of fatigue. This is because at night you did not get sleep and so during the day you become very sleepy. CBD in marijuana reduces fatigue when taken in low quantities. Ideally, it also boosts the mood of the patient.

Compounds found in marijuana, specifically THC and CBD help in relieving acute and chronic pains. You will find that chemotherapy is painful. Sometimes the patients even succumb to the pain. However, with marijuana, patients are assured of reduced levels of pain all even complete relief.