Hi. Im going to try growing for the first time, just one plant to see how it works.

Ill be using a cabinet i have thats about 3ft wide 3ft tall and 1ft depth. Im going to get a 250w dual spec cfl as dont want to use any of the other light sources becuase of the heat.

The only thing that is stopping me is the whole fan part. If i was to cut a couple of fan holes in there ill be busted by my mum for sure. Im a young adult, but prefer her not to know. So i searched on google for some advice and came across this...

..."Marijuana like all other plants puts out waste through the stomata on it's leaves. Outdoors wind, rain and sun are present to evaporate these toxins from the leaf surface. Indoors the marijuana grower must create an environment. The best way to do this is with a fan of some kind. If you are running a small closet operation then just opening the door twice a day to look at them will create enough air movement for healthy growth."

So i am asking you experienced growers, can i get away without a fan? Im not after any super crop right now, just something free to toke.
