View Full Version : Suggestions-Feedback

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  1. Auto Logout?
  2. Maybe a TOPIC on Amsterdam
  3. A sources forum?
  4. Chatroom...
  5. shout box
  6. new thread timeout
  7. Psychedelics Forum
  8. THCtalk shop!!
  9. Product Reviews
  10. Hash Making/Cannabis Extracts and All That Jazz
  11. Combining Stoner's Lounge and General Discussion
  12. Jogging
  13. Music/Multimedia Forum?
  14. Psycahdelic forum ??
  15. Gallery
  16. membership number
  17. A less obvious forum theme.
  18. Harvesting
  19. Anyone up for a....
  20. cloning?
  21. Yeah i got somin to say!!
  22. Number of characters in a post
  23. The 'New Posts' button
  24. Gallery
  25. Creating links
  26. Snapshot
  27. seedswaps
  28. THCTalk Seedshop?
  29. Moving topics
  30. Gallery problems
  31. Theme Song?
  32. chat room!
  33. Shop orders
  34. New posts
  35. sports section...
  36. Current active users link
  37. User titles
  38. chat
  39. Images
  40. Grow Diaries Idear
  41. Idea
  42. Comp Idea!
  43. Grower of the year
  44. thc talk calender....
  45. Chat Idea
  46. embedded video
  47. Building Competition
  48. Ventrilo
  49. Secure server?
  50. Classic THC Grows
  51. email notification
  52. Ability to edit posts
  53. Next year trip to London
  54. Forum themes/skins?
  55. user gain comp
  56. random rants and raves
  57. Search Function
  58. Bud-Shot competition
  59. Not really feedback, more a question
  60. Photo uploading snafoo...
  61. stickys
  62. Does the forum lose an hour every day?
  63. Spiders
  64. summer sunflower competition?
  65. F.A.O Admin
  66. move thread plese
  67. YouTube vB-Mod
  68. Strain/ grow/ smoke reviews
  69. calendar
  70. grow diaries
  71. An online "hello" system to invite users to chat?
  72. An art section
  73. LKDJ2003 tried pm'ing you about some website issues
  74. Competition Suggestion
  75. Removing topics
  76. Radio
  77. swap shop idea
  78. Image Uploads and the Gallery
  79. photo upload / gallery problems
  80. smoke reports section
  81. breeding section
  82. Jokes Section NSFW......
  83. Improvements to this site
  84. THCtalk Big brother
  85. Games!
  86. google search
  87. THC Shop - I can't pay via Debit Card / Solo
  88. new categories
  89. our very own THC ebay
  90. POTM Winners grow diary thread
  91. Chat room
  92. Grow Diary Summary Page
  93. uploading pics
  94. Forum usage forum
  95. competition
  96. video uploads
  97. Posting pictures within a message
  98. Video posts?
  99. Index
  100. chat rooms
  101. [SOLVED] Board skins/themes
  102. Editing after posting
  103. 2 accounts registered from the same ip...
  104. strain reviews
  105. DIY section?
  106. I'd like to suggest a bit of an experiment for an upcoming "POTM"
  107. micro grows
  108. Smilies
  109. Site strain?
  110. wish list
  111. Mandala seeds
  112. User Name
  113. [SOLVED] Solved thread option
  114. can we do another bongmaking contest
  115. 2009 sunflower comp
  116. Expert Panel / Adjudication
  117. Non-active members?
  118. [SOLVED] trading forum..for sale/wanted
  119. outdoor plant of the month comp
  120. gurilla growin section
  121. User CP
  122. Just an idea
  123. new section
  124. THCtalk book
  125. daily journal
  126. Home/DIY section...
  127. POTM for mini grows/stealth
  128. why no feminized seeds on thctalk shop?
  129. THC Talk Seed Trader
  130. Editing posts!
  131. How about......
  132. any chance of a seedbank update
  133. Forum Thread Editing Time Limit.
  134. thc talk stash box
  135. Just a thought...
  136. Searching my posts,threads etc???
  137. Posts mixed up - Dont panic
  138. Greenhouse Sub Forum Please
  139. suggestions for diarys
  140. site downtime?
  141. Search function
  142. Terms Of Use - Flashing Avatars
  143. full members subscription ?
  144. The site and forums slow and down time?
  145. Site status page
  146. Anyone else having site probs today?
  147. Marijuana growing quiz
  148. Answer to home brewing thread!
  149. cant upload
  150. 12/12
  151. smileys
  152. To the site owner(s), advertising.
  153. photos wont upload
  154. whats about a ranking/tag system for some members
  155. Lurking In Chat
  156. site traffic
  157. chatroom
  158. back to top of page button
  159. "i agree" Button ?
  160. fantastic!
  161. For the next UK Hemp Expo...
  162. Potm
  163. My feedback
  164. strain section
  165. thc shop
  166. Profile Pic
  167. THCtalk Annual Awards.
  168. !!Argument Section!!
  169. Gaming section
  170. Emergency Page
  171. 1000 post award
  172. Thanked 100 times awards
  173. Weekly/ Monthly Quiz
  174. "Groan" button???
  175. Strain reviews section?
  176. THC logo on pics
  177. Hashish Section..
  178. Notifications
  179. A rating system
  180. request of withdrawal of post ????????
  181. growing game???
  182. Forum arcade / games
  183. TOP 5 STATS box
  184. Why Am I Not Deleted Yet???????
  185. How about a non-cannabis related sales/trade section?
  186. The board is borked!
  187. lowryda of the month
  188. Sarc Mark?
  189. seperate the diary forums into sections... ?
  190. Porn section?
  191. suggestions for a suggestion?
  192. equipment guides for noobies
  193. upgrade or not?
  194. e-books
  195. info User CP ??????
  196. autoflowering section
  197. I'm thick
  198. Muchies section
  199. Group Memberships
  200. Bud of The Month Comp
  201. Subscribed threads
  202. see who thanked me?
  203. Thankyou admins!
  204. What's the Referals Counter for?
  205. 'The Grow Diarys Must Have Pics Campaign'
  206. Should thc sell single fem seeds?........
  207. Members Buy/Sale/Swap Forum Idea
  208. cfl grow section
  209. Smileys are quite funny
  210. stock ghs plz?
  211. Fresh new look THCtalk
  212. THCTalk Logo Competition...?
  213. ATT: Admin - Gallery Issue Fixes.
  214. OFFICIAL - Site Bug Hunt - Report Your Bugs Here
  215. Can't find my albums/photos in gallery.
  216. medals
  217. VBullet Donate Button
  218. Finding threads I've posted in with new replies.
  219. internal server error
  220. Arcade
  221. uploading pics?
  222. Idiots guide to Hempy - thread deleted
  223. Reading the forum rules and I relise...
  224. seed swap
  225. Growing profiles
  226. susbscribers
  227. hidden signatures
  228. Private Diaries For Your Friends Lists?
  229. remove incomplete grow diaries
  230. Group discusions
  231. Help me
  232. Buy and Sell Gear... or Swap Shop?
  233. Admin- mods - fecking anyone!!!!!!
  234. Site issues
  235. To help with security can we do
  236. The awards on screen
  237. Database error?
  238. i cant upload pics
  239. how do i put a word document (with pics) into a post?
  240. Recently purchased seeds
  241. Missing Sicky?
  242. Longer Edit Time?
  243. lost threads
  244. breeders help desk?
  245. rules - linking
  246. Linking Round 2 lol
  247. chat not working
  248. THC C.V Thread
  249. Improve the Search facility
  250. conspiracies threads part on the forum?