Awarded for gaining Posts
Icon Image Name / Description
1000 Post Award 1000 Post Award 1000 Post Award
This Medal is awarded for members who gain 1000 posts

Members who received this award: 477
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Ragman , lkdj2003 , Mum , Midnight Toker , blue widow , marijuanamat , WTL , asci , Grape101 , sweetsinner , greengiant , bergkamp , Bitterfly , LAL , D , Cha-Cha Chong , Growz , Eggbox , allahu_akbar , bubbs , bigballs , simrdfrd8 , The Green Man , Ganjaholic , THC Angel , PTB , weed heed , -Smokey- , Strider , stoneroz , The_Hunter , THOMAS CHONG , jobby2812 , Manny , shark , dekay , Mr_Bimble , Snake , big syko 75 , Fieldy , b.t.y , GAMBINO , Tay , Tetra , whitewidman , GSXRnutter , dirty dude , Rizzah , W.S , wert , green grass , Steptoe , jetlag , Ironlung , vdubber , Father jack , Br4d , marmalade dreams , calis finest , hyperlite , wigster , OldSkoolDude , ddsdavey , Vetran , dj # , TheGreenMachine , Muller , Ganesha , Stoneysmoker , Bethmeg , widowsmite , Skeeter , bhoy , Beatnik , seanMcPot , Marley13 , BudMan , Jesse_tpfi , Wobble , Azerbanphal , up2nogood , dazed-n-confuzed , GrassHopper , The Lost Soul , BURNZ , Naxx , chibbs , massivemick , MoonLight , cannamancan , hellfire , goochy , starchild , a13x , BioShock , katy , yoko2009 , Gary C , Shades Of Green , gbcheeky , budbud007 , swampy , Mr ukthc , relto , Adambomb , BuildMeAButterFly , Sci-Pe , Wrams , TIKTOK , BUDAllTheTime , Denzil , cough , VMAX , leafy , prime , CockRoach , Up_in_smoke , New Age Outlaw , humblepie , ENGLISH_HERBSMAN , Grandad , IceCalibur , bud_alzir , illearth67 , wheelchair , frost313 , Pink_tiger , Spiked , Bubbles LM , thcdudeuk , alwaystoned_1 , J420 , ANONYMOUS , Mickey Pearce , Tabbatha , Vlad the Inhaler , Lemon King , funkydawg , seymour-buds , scoot , ChronMan , Stealthgrower , needsmust , an-sic , The Ashman , The Fringe , FunkySkunkyMonkey , 2high , timothio , Alextheyid , THE DUDE ABIDES , javadog , lil rasta , B.A.BARACUS , hemivette , Iceni Seeds , teutonic , DrGreen , Sativa Steve , Mr Swilly , Pot-head:)_ , FoxyLady , TheDukeof420 , stonedbunny , Bud Lightyear , StonedAsFuck , TC-UP , Forest , ChuChu , jackthelad21 , lambert29 , the green meanie , cocogrower , TheCandyManCan , The G is Stoned , DelBoy , Teldec , Smoggy , Claymorrow , Zen Archer , diddymao , leyus , MR Grumpy , old skool toker , Anabolic , Pugz , babybud3232 , bodge , Fluffy bud , Rockster , Mr Bloom , rndusername , TokeItUpUK , Blue61 , Bush Doctor , Anonymiss , Diply , the_grey_area , spoonofinsanity , dank , Lazee_Daze , Stimpy , Photosynthesis , Murdock , YumBubblegum , chillyerboots , spot , Mr Pothead , SmobyToker#1 , blazefor20 , Phineasfreek , Jonnygrow , Diddydon , GBK , Rory Breaker , jibbers , RastaMouse22 , HighTokeinYoda , Woody J , Alzy , Winstun , _Whisperer , BIGCH33S3 , carpetburn , weepresty , Budmore , PhilZenMaster , HighFlyerFlyingHigh , psychocannanaut , G_UNIT , Axeman , Uncle Albert , BabyBud , Ginger-bud , 420Boss , FACE , C21H30O2 , Dal , Donzo , Calciumkid , blue cheese , tricone , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , dynodave , Mysteri0n , LittleMissBlue , SWSERGIO1 , gruff , Grover , L , foopa , jumpon , soundwave , skippy , rapid7 , Cybes , ironjustice , rockhopper , dodger1888 , Lil Sindigo , Special Branch , The Solyom , Hedrush , SilverSlim , Mindless , kyg , Vador , chemcical , DaveyJones , Ben.g , Shinigami , greenthumb123 , Krofam , Dr.GreenThumb420 , Mo Lodders , BADM4N , Skunk Brother , l2ampag3 , Amber Reef , Oxy , Rubbered , dpdpdpdpdp , denots , TwistedWhispers , vapour , Mr.UnclePen , stickyickyicky , Petal , Captain Beefheart , Brutalkillshot5 , The budda , mc6pack , Duke1 , PlantMatter , Koi_Carp , CocoMonkey , Nappa , tokersupreme , bigbadbillybob , KiefKat , stonedkiwi , bushgrower , 2Acres , BackWoodsDrifter , dogman , RASTA , breakitdownrollitup , Humph , Zip , SyRaX , Dr Plough , galt , KrazyDave , SprinkledWithEmulsion , Fairy , satnavsatnav , GEORGE , scoobywho , Type M , trutothis2014 , Jingo , PJR71 , Cunning , Inky , tuhaku , SmokeSara , Loki , Ezroller , Herbenburg , The-Limey-Digit , MJCTHC1 , Upton , bobrolo , chufuginlookinat , imnice , kbag , Sadface , TheHomieSmoky , DrCannaP , GRIMER , Wasat , She's-a-Lady , MrG , Donmitch0121 , joem113 , Shreder , Samwise Gamgee , ERBURT , Budbomb , BritishBotanics , Hedonistic Hippy , Mr-Lover , Bloody Elbow , Blue , Captain Toker , Catch_E_Monkey , SkunkBudda403 , Dirty_badger , Hippy Crack , PeytonManning , Skunnymonster , Green Dreamz , Seed Demon , Lady Budz , British green , Bigbud78 , EaZiE , bubba0435 , Ironman , riot , Clarice_Starling , redisiel , Buster , Dazmandaz , Peter_Pan , Skunky n funky , Ye Old Pioneer , TheHottDawg , ciderboy , Valve man , JB , TheDogsNutts , ganja.lad , D90 , _teapot_ , joker_the_smoker , Fwank , jake420 , Subterranean Man , J Trich , FunkyB , Dutchcourage , country_budz , BB , Trex , Missy , snarf , Twisted , toblue , Dr green fingers , Glynne , Greengrass , WhIpLaSh , happyjack , Valentina , JamesJoyce , GanjasaurusREX , Cont3 , tom222 , Stirl_420_SA , Done420 , Easy-T , YorkshireFarmer , Flyingscotsman , scorpion , Street Smart , Cooky2992 , Karsa , Herbitual , G' , MonsterEnergy , Pablo , MRJIMMY2017 , lipnobody , gardro , Peanut butter , millwall115 , WF420 , Benson123 , Dr Green , GreenIRL , Farmshop , farmguy , AND , 420Rancher , CityDweller , Squaggy , Stickysticky , sourshoes , Kurdt , Mac , Priapus , UpT0wn , Silkadin , Grower88 , Mr_Motion , Jumper114 , Gaz , Cleargreen , Dexter McPherson , Wags , C-Rex , Jeff , LewisR19 , Tavish , UpInSmoke1990 , Cannabug , Bigdaddy 101 , MrC , Le chef , Lowrollerbean , B1unt , Farmer Geddon , V8 , barney_b , Deku Nut , Doink , CheapHomeGrown , mpsj , Shaun , Tommy stoner , Frosty , Sun&Soil , TightNugs , ValdtheImpotent
5000 Post Award 5000 Post Award 5000 Post Award
This Medal is awarded for members who gain 5000 posts

Members who received this award: 90
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Ragman , Bitterfly , Cha-Cha Chong , Eggbox , bubbs , jobby2812 , dekay , Fieldy , Tay , wert , Ganesha , Bethmeg , seanMcPot , BudMan , Azerbanphal , up2nogood , cannamancan , yoko2009 , Adambomb , CockRoach , Up_in_smoke , Grandad , IceCalibur , Spiked , Tabbatha , Vlad the Inhaler , THE DUDE ABIDES , lil rasta , B.A.BARACUS , teutonic , Sativa Steve , Mr Swilly , FoxyLady , stonedbunny , Bud Lightyear , Forest , DelBoy , babybud3232 , Blue61 , Anonymiss , Murdock , SmobyToker#1 , GBK , Alzy , Winstun , FACE , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , L , kyg , Oxy , denots , Captain Beefheart , The budda , Duke1 , RASTA , GEORGE , Jingo , Inky , Loki , Sadface , Wasat , MrG , Donmitch0121 , Samwise Gamgee , ERBURT , Blue , Catch_E_Monkey , PeytonManning , British green , Ironman , redisiel , joker_the_smoker , BB , Trex , WhIpLaSh , Easy-T , Herbitual , G' , MonsterEnergy , gardro , AND , CityDweller , Gaz , Dexter McPherson , MrC , B1unt , V8 , barney_b
10000 Post Award 10000 Post Award 10000 Post Award
This Medal is awarded for members who gain 10000 posts

Members who received this award: 35
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Ragman , dekay , Goodbuddy , up2nogood , cannamancan , Adambomb , CockRoach , Grandad , IceCalibur , B.A.BARACUS , stonedbunny , Bud Lightyear , Murdock , Mr Pothead , Alzy , FACE , Oxy , Captain Beefheart , RASTA , GEORGE , Jingo , ERBURT , Blue , British green , Ironman , redisiel , joker_the_smoker , BB , Trex , Easy-T , gardro , Gaz , Dexter McPherson , MrC
20000 Post Award 20000 Post Award 20000 Post Award
This Medal is awarded for members who gain 20000 posts

Members who received this award: 5
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , up2nogood , IceCalibur , Bud Lightyear , GEORGE , joker_the_smoker

This Award is given to members who gain Thanks
Icon Image Name / Description
100 Thanks Award 100 Thanks Award 100 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 100 Thanks

Members who received this award: 1448
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Ragman , marijuanamat , WTL , asci , sweetsinner , greengiant , bergkamp , D , Cha-Cha Chong , Eggbox , BomShiva , green_machine , bubbs , bigballs , Valium , The Green Man , Ganjaholic , -Smokey- , Strider , stoneroz , The_Hunter , jobby2812 , puffindaerb , Manny , shark , dekay , Couchlocked , Mr_Bimble , schuey , Snake , big syko 75 , Fieldy , b.t.y , poemsforsealions , Tay , JollyPilgrim , Dredlock , joshbozier , black.lung , Paulie-Walnuts , dirty dude , lostorstolen , W.S , noodle , wert , Because_i_got_high , green grass , pollenmanandy , Steptoe , azza , umbongo , Cones247 , jetlag , vdubber , baldi 1 , Father jack , algie , Br4d , marmalade dreams , The Angry Pirate , Mrs.Monkeyboy , hyperlite , wigster , xtchill , OldSkoolDude , Vetran , TheGreenMachine , Muller , Ganesha , daveyb11 , ScouseSkunkSmoker , Stoneysmoker , Bethmeg , boomshiva , widowsmite , The Green Giant , Skeeter , bhoy , Chilled , Beatnik , spliffy2007 , seanMcPot , Marley13 , BudMan , chanandler bong , BigG , Jesse_tpfi , Wobble , Azerbanphal , Didge , Road_Runner , StonEdd , up2nogood , dazed-n-confuzed , GrassHopper , The Lost Soul , Mc Mellow , BURNZ , Naxx , higherthanthesk , chibbs , massivemick , MoonLight , the shrubman , cannamancan , Mr_Floyd , feedtheheed , smellyblues , Rafiki , hellfire , goochy , Tester , chillymog , starchild , a13x , bigmurphy , BioShock , katy , yoko2009 , Gary C , Shades Of Green , Renagade4-20 , bigandy , GreenGhirl , jim , gbcheeky , JokerThaToker , budbud007 , swampy , sharky008 , jmbong , Mr ukthc , relto , Adambomb , BuildMeAButterFly , Sci-Pe , Wrams , TIKTOK , BUDAllTheTime , Denzil , cough , jazzcat , VMAX , leafy , c ganjafarmer , Hippy , sodangerous , prime , CockRoach , Up_in_smoke , Gerb , New Age Outlaw , GREEN DRAGON , humblepie , ENGLISH_HERBSMAN , Grandad , IceCalibur , fzzy head , jonnyd3ath , bud_alzir , ZEN , illearth67 , wheelchair , frost313 , tjf8070 , Pink_tiger , BULLET , Spiked , Bammbulance , DON Greens , MellowYellow , Ariadne , ronnie , Dupe , greenfingers 79 , coulson , v12xjs , Bubbles LM , glenn , Ghostgardener , GFORCE , karmacoma , Juice , Beezerk , Mty , fidjit , Mr. Don Keidik , surrey smoker , SmoKING^buckeT , Stoned Staffy , thcdudeuk , alwaystoned_1 , piper at the gates , sean , Catpoison , J420 , ANONYMOUS , Mickey Pearce , Tabbatha , sky , chroniccouple , FordCapri , Vlad the Inhaler , abemnik , djloops , Jane Doe , Lemon King , muzza1875 , funkydawg , seymour-buds , nogging , scoot , ChronMan , farrecorfe , Stealthgrower , needsmust , an-sic , Hooter , chronje , The Ashman , The Fringe , BigJimmy , FunkySkunkyMonkey , 2high , Agent Green , tastyweat , Boar , timothio , buzzinbud , Smokeface , WastedYouth , Alextheyid , THE DUDE ABIDES , DR_GREEN_HAZE , javadog , casuk , euforialover , lil rasta , B.A.BARACUS , hemivette , NaMeLeSs2005 , LUDACRIS , Alterego420 , marcus , Iceni Seeds , teutonic , Tony_MonCanna , theo14 , niceneasy , DrGreen , Sativa Steve , Mr Swilly , Lazy Lacy , curious-kitty , Pot-head:)_ , FoxyLady , TheDukeof420 , MrsMellowed , Bigred85 , E.N.T , TheRealFeanor , DangerDragon , stonedbunny , Bud Lightyear , StonedAsFuck , morgzdj , TC-UP , Forest , Stoney joe , ChuChu , jackthelad21 , lambert29 , Bubbla , the green meanie , cocogrower , dbuk , TheCandyManCan , flunk , The G is Stoned , DelBoy , scotsman , Teldec , nevertoohigh , Happy roken , easterbunny , Smoggy , chronic1 , tissue999 , Claymorrow , Zen Archer , diddymao , taylor , leyus , uparoundthebend , mr greenfingers. , MR Grumpy , old skool toker , mogzy , Jackanory_Time , urban grower , Anabolic , turbotoker , doobi , 5 , Pugz , ><{{{*>MiK<*}}}>< , iice , babybud3232 , bodge , Risingninja , Skanga , Elmo , Fluffy bud , Rockster , Mr Bloom , manolito , rndusername , TokeItUpUK , Blue61 , Bush Doctor , Simba , Anonymiss , scotzsmoker , r0nnie , Diply , Law Abiding Citizen , glasshopper , Tartan_THC , Antony , Mrs Grub , MissJane , Acid_Noddy , rustic , baza123 , the_grey_area , paulwrx , diablo , BenjaminVonGrimm , Anthrax , spoonofinsanity , CaptainChronic , welshwizzard , eroswb , dank , babykayla , Lazee_Daze , Stimpy , LBN , Photosynthesis , gaztoth , maxbreak , ashpack , IBigTruck , kirstyy , AquaKaDabra , sparra , YumBubblegum , chillyerboots , spot , nimmo24lung , Mr Pothead , TubaLou420 , MrNo1 AKA Gaffers , firstauto , SmobyToker#1 , blazefor20 , m1lkey , Phineasfreek , Gness , Jonnygrow , Diddydon , GBK , Greengren1 , gbombuk , Relapse , Rory Breaker , jibbers , RastaMouse22 , HighTokeinYoda , Woody J , smiffyuk2003 , mr g , smokymcpot , Alzy , Winstun , trubz , C 2 the J , _Whisperer , opekoner , DKD , BIGCH33S3 , berg450 , jamiesmoke , carpetburn , jef , MikeC , brer , doctor gonz0 , green1 , weepresty , Kane THC , Budmore , PhilZenMaster , HighFlyerFlyingHigh , psychocannanaut , G_UNIT , Axeman , Uncle Albert , mrmarkie121 , TheFlyingScot , BabyBud , sharktooth , mercegue , SlimCT , Earwig , Ozgrower , Ginger-bud , 420Boss , FACE , C21H30O2 , C.W. , WUFU , honest john , Dal , lizardking , Greeneyes5 , mrscott , Gro-man , CocoSteel , Donzo , drfeelgood86 , bundyblae1 , Mrs Doublebong , canine , snoopdog , Calciumkid , blue cheese , tricone , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , dynodave , geordieshaun , techiebabe , captianzanax , Mysteri0n , KillaFaz , LittleMissBlue , SWSERGIO1 , gruff , Grover , tnucami , Royston Cropper , SNOOP DOGG , L , PC Grower , yoitsme123 , jason79 , Germy , TheZest , gorillagrower , Skunky. , Tetric , foopa , jumpon , Keenbuthopeless , soundwave , skippy , mr toke , Scottfree , dougthehead , Rickster , rapid7 , dreamgreen , scottishlass29 , Andytweed , SeanTheLight , chazrazz , swordfishtrombone , wrasta , mobymikespain , SirTiva , notaclue , Synyster , Dankenstien , Herbies , sivadavi , Dan69 , Cybes , ironjustice , rockhopper , thcprofessor , skrillex , smile , 420pop , J.18 , Hairflick , tattooist , THCMcGEE , kingofclubs , dodger1888 , farmerG , wildrambler , Switch2 , Lil Sindigo , Tom10 , Special Branch , The Solyom , nubreed , glasgow grower , Hedrush , Oldwolf , SilverSlim , ruiCosta , Herbivorous , shadrack , mass , Mindless , kyg , Vador , Smokeypants , I LOVE BUD , chemcical , DaveyJones , Slimblue , hardon , BiggerBudz , jumpman233345 , Bluesneil , herbal terrorist , twelve12 , crondolissarice , talcyboy28 , bbq , AliceBrownieBaker , bruce786 , King Chong , gavin , Mazzer , MagicalBotanicals , weedtroll , Mrpukka , tlh2496 , Ben.g , Shinigami , StricklyCannabis , Crazydaze , Dabber , greenthumb123 , moodymann , Krofam , james bond , hungry , Dr.GreenThumb420 , Taylormade420 , Hattori , Mo Lodders , BADM4N , Skunk Brother , CoCo MoNsTeR , cj5787 , eyes wide shut , ado , andymac , l2ampag3 , Olmec , bigjaw , Bob2142 , jimcrudy , Amber Reef , NexSacramentum , Rubbered , dpdpdpdpdp , purplekush , Baked_cookie , oldschool , nuttygrower , BaSHteaHcee , denots , TwistedWhispers , HERBALIZOR , FD3S , weed2free , Ali Bongo , Wheels of Steel , vapour , CannaMunk , Stirruphead , dastardly , pilgrim187 , smilesbro , the jakal , Mr.UnclePen , fatso , MrGrump , stickyickyicky , Mucky Pup , kewlbeanz , newfarmer024 , Xclusive , Petal , Captain Beefheart , Big Dal , scotland smoking , lotus6 , Dr_ONE , AmnesiaLiberty1 , fivethumbsfrank , red eye knight , Sensi Head , Brutalkillshot5 , DutchPassionTony , The budda , kayden313 , mc6pack , ninjagrower , Duke1 , PlantMatter , Koi_Carp , jericho , CannabisGuy , Marky2012 , platinum_rouge , CocoMonkey , Nappa , lazor_ears , Funny-Trucker , ReD RuM , budstud , SouthCoastSmokers , gxkon , tokersupreme , bigbadbillybob , Reaper , pinkplaybunny , KiefKat , iamjack , Mrs_Reaper , stonedkiwi , JinkysOars , Chicken Lips , RonDogg007 , rottdog1975 , Anonymous69 , hoochter , BlueManHemp , TwinkleNugs , lentil89 , DrGonzo , justbudz , Herbs , marque08 , BurninBrewer , Stimulation , studio95 , tirah , bushgrower , new g , that420guy , Billbo78 , Fro , Albert Steptoe , JaayDogg , Bud_Banshee , Superdry , 2Acres , BackWoodsDrifter , Terpenoid Monster , dogman , Guinness , Solo Quin , Smokesmanship , rolling king , stickymicky , Spinnaker1969 , RASTA , breakitdownrollitup , stealthgrow , Humph , The Cheese Lover , Zip , mr.gr33n , Frank , firstimer , SyRaX , frenk136 , MonkeyTime , marvel , ukpercy outside in , The Rambler , davidfa , thclurch , Dr Plough , ktm , galt , Bozzer , Dr. Stoned 2.0 , OrphanCrippler , KrazyDave , Amnesia auto , maenam , Spiderman , CheechChong , dickiefickle , green assassin , Mr Canes , mrs_mouse , riddick , SprinkledWithEmulsion , Nugsrus , Fairy , Adi , Toker-24 , satnavsatnav , thewhitereefer , Owain Glyn Ganja , C.K.Watt , TaNg PeNg , erbie , Track , willywilson81 , thegreenbastard , tattoodragon , smokin soul , smurf , Inaenthyernalorm , paulie62 , 1984 , NitroBurns , HighdroGrower09 , reganlives , Boogieman , Bostin , MrsE , talentsleeping , GEORGE , countryboy , spoiledreefer , OtotheZ , lousizzle , CM724 , BobMarle , leftfootriteshoe , Baka , underground , pottersweedos , 5 lb dreams from newbie , Poison Ivy , Darkwing80 , My Tent Or Yours , O®G@N$©S , TheCloneRanger , Zephyr , stretch12345 , Mikey_D , Gander , Ping the Kat , Cockrobin , scoobywho , deww , Type M , trutothis2014 , Growing_Koi , hoodwinked , Jingo , sw14 , Bubonik Chronic , gohtee , bigbodacheese , PJR71 , Cunning , Inky , BadFish , tuhaku , Sopha King Stoned , Raggidy , SmokeSara , Billy Cotton , Slazenger , billybud2 , Loki , Ezroller , CB71 , Herbenburg , The-Limey-Digit , MJCTHC1 , Upton , yahdabbro , Bustergonads , bobrolo , chufuginlookinat , Mart_Aitch , imnice , bigginge87 , Jack_41 , kbag , RossPa , Seamus , Sadface , badbillybob , Big Dutch , TheHomieSmoky , DrCannaP , D Fever , Parked420 , jpsmoker840 , bry , Robbie red hat , sqysenberg , i spy , lozbian2410 , McPuffin , GRIMER , Wasat , She's-a-Lady , mikeb6109 , MrG , turnkey , IvorCutler , non_smoker0922 , bbqking , NYCgoonQueens , CaRtz TokeMonkey , Princessbubblegum , Donmitch0121 , Jmarls , edgar62 , Rubber duck , weedheed420 , green_giant34 , joem113 , mushroom , alwayslearnin , modollaz , Heisenbud , duffyeire , Shreder , Amy P , Samwise Gamgee , HeebyJ , ERBURT , Red_xi , UncleTBag , LoveMyBitches , Jonathan Bravo , BigDub , ManiacalCrab , Budbomb , New_Growth , BritishBotanics , Hedonistic Hippy , hairylemon57 , Mr-Lover , Bloody Elbow , Blue , Captain Toker , Dale1995 , Catch_E_Monkey , KAYA_MANny , bouncinbob , SkunkBudda403 , thenewguy42069 , Dirty_badger , Lemonhazin8 , Hippy Crack , HughJardon , VapeC85 , MrTumble , Sid James , TheCatDaddy , Toasted , dntlowey , Spartacus Smokes , 3p7 , PeytonManning , Skunnymonster , Green Dreamz , Seed Demon , smiling smiler , Shamoo , kola320 , Lady Budz , British green , wildwelshman , shawnee , Bigbud78 , EaZiE , Gambit , bubba0435 , biggiebri , dusty kiefers , BunsBuds , cajuncelt , Edd77 , jimmy2shoes , Ironman , riot , Langers , Clarice_Starling , Norton , redisiel , Quib , Buster , Smiffy , Skankar43 , thegrower1 , geori , Withakay , Reynolo , ukhomegrower , Dazmandaz , Harrycropper , Peter_Pan , H3RBIE , Bushwacked74 , Mise , Skunky n funky , Mrjuice , GhostPGE , IanBeal , TheDuder , Ye Old Pioneer , danny_t , hopscotch123 , inkedbiker42 , DeliciousDan , Thrasherdude , October1992 , mysticjim , TOKER_REX , Mr.North , Budburst , wales2015 , TheHottDawg , Dr Anonymous Green , thehulk , citizen cained , mrjung , Critical J , Swifty89 , Ganjaman6782 , Bud_Wiser , ciderboy , EyeEyePickle , potanist01 , Winstoned Churchill , walshy , muddywaters , BUDDY , BobHop , Valve man , Azaz , JB , TartanSpartan , Speedfreak41uk , TheDogsNutts , bazilbrush , ganja.lad , Yekke , SpongeBongWeedPants , Nftnewbiexx , GanjaFarmerNL , Bong_Lord , Hobby420 , Huktonfoniks , robbertie , eastman007 , TokinItUp , Spencers , kush king , BudRasta , Dale92 , D90 , Cropek , Joe Dirt , _teapot_ , Gaspode , BigJam , joker_the_smoker , Fwank , Dr Chronic Seeds , jake420 , CocoGrow128 , Timbo287 , 2generations , Bud4meds , lvfcno1 , Band Of Horses , ReeferDankness , GanjaMon1 , Subterranean Man , crackerjack , HaveAGoHero , PeaceLoveUnity , Ollski , autobox , locky_7 , Northern , onion ring , the brit , , rizla_C , kencancook , spazicstann , J Trich , Lexlugar , Dandy1990 , FunkyB , OrchidLady , leeinuk87 , Eggman , Dutchcourage , Jack_Burton , flboy , Fan leaf Phil , twalte , country_budz , mrnice586 , shorelineog , BB , Missginger , WADDIS , Talpa , Trex , Missy , Html33 , I'm Sal , e11 , Wutang22 , woodstocknation , snarf , clownstyle , WakaWaka , Twisted , MR B-loom , splooge , toblue , Cull , Dr green fingers , Glynne , Cupid_Stunt , Hogweed , SirBudsAlot , noob12345 , Greengrass , Wardr08e , WhIpLaSh , happyjack , BananaLizard , Volcano , ironeye , OGPermaBaked420 , Redsgum , subzy123 , Ganja_Montana , Fody , Valentina , JamesJoyce , Esh , Nortz007 , Skunk12 , old guy , skunkybudmans , GanjasaurusREX , Kobayashi , Cont3 , tom222 , jimbop , TomKing , Stirl_420_SA , Done420 , Binamra , JimMcG , Easy-T , WWBB , YorkshireFarmer , nom , Admiral , Flyingscotsman , FantasticFanjita , RobboWolves , OakyShades , Grow8369 , scorpion , THC2017 , Realdocholliday , BongJovi , GREENSTICKYFINGERS , Street Smart , Memphis69 , Cooky2992 , Dizzydave , eightleggeddj , David Spaid , Devoed , rigos , Ralf454 , budfarmer , Karsa , Sparky007 , Herbitual , Greenster6969 , G' , MonsterEnergy , Nicojellic , Pablo , Trichomedome , Elias , MRJIMMY2017 , CannaCass , lipnobody , Buttercup , SmasheeJay , gardro , ch040294 , Reyndog , BuddhaUK , Peanut butter , KieranH , Hashhound , Nofeat0310 , millwall115 , Welshgrow , Rev , WF420 , Benson123 , GreenEm , Sal_Governale , thelastrebel , THC Prince , FAT LAD 69 , Dr Green , Mull420canna , Millio123 , ladymaryjane , Grow420- , flubba999 , GreenIRL , BornToBeAgrower , Farmshop , farmguy , AND , friendlygrower , Greencrack102 , Benjiman , weedjunkie420 , Tyrionblue , ELMo- , Mr.Grits , Harry1990 , 420Rancher , 2wasted , Beau_Bud , LoveDispenser , CityDweller , walkaway , Squaggy , Growqueen420 , Alpha2505 , Stickysticky , Majestic , Vikingo , Jimster , sourshoes , lltfdaniel , Lucas3330 , THCBrova , Kurdt , Growin for Dad , Pink , bigggd69 , Troko , Mac , DreddFoxx , Small , Corneu , Priapus , UpT0wn , GanJ mad , Silkadin , Erby , Grower88 , BAL80 , Tusk85 , sixsixsix , Mr_Motion , Gasher90 , Techead , dynamite2144 , Jumper114 , Gaz , Cleargreen , Skunkpunch , oJAE , Bewbuds , Kobz , Bundy75 , Dexter McPherson , kudos , Wags , Chippy1 , GasMan , C-Rex , ryan2293 , Jeff , danyfusy , LewisR19 , The_Terpinator , Itslittyofc , Mel9119 , begone_thought , miracle-herb , Spliff man , creeperpark , Gramps , Tavish , LondonSeedCentre , Etspiritu , The Gatherer , N_S , UpInSmoke1990 , curiouscultivator , harryhoudinii , matrixdts , Clifton , Old Skool Dude , psy , sdrodbuster , Cannabug , madextrax , wilson , GrowGlow , vividled , newgrowerr , Ivana_Groweed , Auto Mick , Bigdaddy 101 , BigG2017 , Keepitquietplease , Noob2doob , johndoh , El Danko , 2Relax , Chunksdependable , Jml , Patrice , EvilScotsm@n , SmokezAlot , Naz007 , dan20boy99 , oldtimerocnrol , Uv123_4 , 5ern , MrC , Le chef , Lowrollerbean , Mark_Wood , Flimzy , vibezfoundation , Quotientcatalysed , Easyflyer , Gigha , supremeweeder , Cbd captain , NIGHTMARE , Raggajj , Gorillaseeds , B.R.E.W. , Sir Digby Chicken Caesar , Phytoplankton , ferdew , Adriaanoo , MiaoMiao , existence , McTavish23 , Tyco , TeamVault - The Vault , TotalPlantPot , roooot , ToughCall , LoveBudd , YerDa , Miffy , Isolation , IvoryFlames , dick_turpine , Whitey66 , , Justeatit , Nuggetz , Linzim7 , UkMedicalGrower , BearSmalls , Crash3r , stealthbonger , Middy74 , Cloverfield , TheCloudyChef , LoSGrower , Bud goode , GatorXP , Dannnoboy , Bowserboy , J81 , NZ_ , BlackBeard , B1unt , Thebigyin , Farmer Geddon , Monty719 , Karlito1 , Wile-E-Peyote , Jstatus , Stillmix , Dionysos , Highguy87420 , WnbProGrower , Puffdaddyp , V8 , Ice9 , DREX121 , Killabeez , groweasy , Benjic93 , ian_beale , bigskip123 , Tapper82 , Jake hammer , Prodigal , DrBigBud , CanEhDiana , forager , Villan89 , LED Harry , Barneyboy123 , Krato , danielsmith120789 , longtimefirsttime , samsonlovesweed , Greenhouseseedco , barney_b , Kevoz393 , BeachBum , Deku Nut , mustang_14282 , Chosen Seeds , Scottpot , MrNavy , Cats , Laridae , DixieNormous , SmallTimer , thcmeister , Silkysmooth , geezergrow , GreenGiant07 , Tomcat21 , DomoArigato , SilverBud , Learningbud , Student-Lee , Doink , CheapHomeGrown , Cheeseking , mpsj , outlaw6666 , jdom84 , Broski , Cashmeh , Drewhasarisen420 , Yoyobuddy123 , Shaun , Tommy stoner , luke skywalker , descendants_of_shiva , Bobby1980 , Frosty , jamieprov , DaveB22 , Q_Buds , HippyChippie , RoccoG2021 , Louloula , taycaan , Spider Farmer LED , Triptich , Effexion , maxkolonko123 , Sun&Soil , iwannagrow , Miiiikka , BigFatHippo , zappaman , TightNugs , Allthegoodstuff1 , nicp , High_guy , budsnotscuds , PoizonIvy , Monty Bong , High Lad , BR3WDAWG , Outdo , Moistbreadstick , Justa420guy , Seatrek , MultiVerseCC , nyo049 , ValdtheImpotent , MadJohn , AhHeeeeeeee , autoluciogrow , KushmanOG , Blue Peter , Bogsmokefarm , doleritejack , texnik , Greenboy94 , Mart the Elder , Eighttwo , Greg9042 , jw11 , Kirito , r33ee , Frankzappa , Outdoorscot , yungstoney , Lazaru , AutoMicroClub , ReggieD , James_Pot , LethallMonkey , karnavor , Kallemalle , Growing Peace , ExNavy , Kstewart , MikeDeezXXX , Faste , luddite , Fullspectrumhonesty , Charlie Firpo , Jay2k , Hawk518 , PeculiarParsnip , Cedarman , Viff , Mr Cream Cheese
500 Thanks Award 500 Thanks Award 500 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 500 Thanks

Members who received this award: 729
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Ragman , marijuanamat , greengiant , bergkamp , Eggbox , bubbs , simrdfrd8 , Ganjaholic , -Smokey- , Strider , stoneroz , The_Hunter , jobby2812 , puffindaerb , Manny , shark , dekay , Mr_Bimble , Snake , Fieldy , Tay , lostorstolen , W.S , wert , green grass , pollenmanandy , azza , jetlag , algie , Br4d , marmalade dreams , wigster , Muller , Ganesha , Stoneysmoker , Bethmeg , widowsmite , bhoy , Beatnik , seanMcPot , Marley13 , BudMan , Jesse_tpfi , Wobble , Azerbanphal , StonEdd , up2nogood , dazed-n-confuzed , GrassHopper , The Lost Soul , BURNZ , Naxx , chibbs , cannamancan , hellfire , goochy , starchild , BioShock , katy , yoko2009 , Shades Of Green , gbcheeky , budbud007 , Mr ukthc , Adambomb , Wrams , TIKTOK , Denzil , cough , VMAX , leafy , prime , CockRoach , Up_in_smoke , New Age Outlaw , humblepie , ENGLISH_HERBSMAN , Grandad , IceCalibur , bud_alzir , illearth67 , wheelchair , tjf8070 , Pink_tiger , BULLET , Spiked , v12xjs , Bubbles LM , Beezerk , thcdudeuk , alwaystoned_1 , J420 , ANONYMOUS , Mickey Pearce , Tabbatha , Vlad the Inhaler , funkydawg , seymour-buds , scoot , ChronMan , Stealthgrower , needsmust , an-sic , The Ashman , The Fringe , FunkySkunkyMonkey , 2high , timothio , THE DUDE ABIDES , javadog , lil rasta , B.A.BARACUS , hemivette , Iceni Seeds , teutonic , niceneasy , DrGreen , Sativa Steve , Mr Swilly , Pot-head:)_ , FoxyLady , TheDukeof420 , TheRealFeanor , stonedbunny , Bud Lightyear , StonedAsFuck , TC-UP , Forest , ChuChu , lambert29 , the green meanie , cocogrower , dbuk , TheCandyManCan , The G is Stoned , DelBoy , Teldec , Happy roken , Smoggy , tissue999 , Claymorrow , Zen Archer , taylor , leyus , uparoundthebend , MR Grumpy , old skool toker , Anabolic , Pugz , iice , babybud3232 , Elmo , Fluffy bud , Rockster , Mr Bloom , TokeItUpUK , Blue61 , Bush Doctor , Anonymiss , Diply , Antony , MissJane , the_grey_area , diablo , spoonofinsanity , CaptainChronic , Lazee_Daze , Stimpy , LBN , maxbreak , Murdock , YumBubblegum , chillyerboots , spot , Mr Pothead , SmobyToker#1 , blazefor20 , Phineasfreek , Gness , Jonnygrow , Diddydon , GBK , Rory Breaker , jibbers , RastaMouse22 , HighTokeinYoda , Woody J , Alzy , Winstun , _Whisperer , opekoner , DKD , BIGCH33S3 , carpetburn , brer , weepresty , Budmore , PhilZenMaster , HighFlyerFlyingHigh , psychocannanaut , G_UNIT , Axeman , Uncle Albert , mrmarkie121 , BabyBud , mercegue , SlimCT , Ginger-bud , 420Boss , FACE , C21H30O2 , Dal , lizardking , Greeneyes5 , Donzo , Calciumkid , blue cheese , tricone , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , dynodave , techiebabe , Mysteri0n , LittleMissBlue , SWSERGIO1 , gruff , Grover , Royston Cropper , L , Tetric , foopa , jumpon , Keenbuthopeless , soundwave , skippy , Rickster , rapid7 , scottishlass29 , Bmx Bandit , SirTiva , Herbies , Cybes , ironjustice , rockhopper , 420pop , THCMcGEE , dodger1888 , Lil Sindigo , Tom10 , Special Branch , The Solyom , nubreed , Hedrush , Oldwolf , SilverSlim , Herbivorous , Mindless , kyg , Vador , chemcical , DaveyJones , Slimblue , hardon , jumpman233345 , crondolissarice , talcyboy28 , AliceBrownieBaker , gavin , Mazzer , weedtroll , Mrpukka , tlh2496 , Ben.g , Shinigami , greenthumb123 , Krofam , Dr.GreenThumb420 , Mo Lodders , BADM4N , Skunk Brother , cj5787 , l2ampag3 , Olmec , Amber Reef , Oxy , Rubbered , dpdpdpdpdp , BaSHteaHcee , denots , TwistedWhispers , Ali Bongo , vapour , Stirruphead , Mr.UnclePen , fatso , stickyickyicky , kewlbeanz , newfarmer024 , Petal , Captain Beefheart , red eye knight , Brutalkillshot5 , The budda , mc6pack , Duke1 , PlantMatter , Koi_Carp , platinum_rouge , CocoMonkey , Nappa , lazor_ears , ReD RuM , tokersupreme , bigbadbillybob , KiefKat , stonedkiwi , rottdog1975 , hoochter , lentil89 , marque08 , BurninBrewer , bushgrower , Fro , JaayDogg , 2Acres , BackWoodsDrifter , dogman , Smokesmanship , stickymicky , RASTA , breakitdownrollitup , stealthgrow , Humph , Zip , SyRaX , Dr Plough , ktm , galt , KrazyDave , Amnesia auto , maenam , mrs_mouse , riddick , SprinkledWithEmulsion , Fairy , Toker-24 , satnavsatnav , C.K.Watt , TaNg PeNg , paulie62 , 1984 , reganlives , GEORGE , leftfootriteshoe , Ping the Kat , scoobywho , Type M , trutothis2014 , Growing_Koi , Jingo , Bubonik Chronic , PJR71 , Cunning , Inky , tuhaku , Sopha King Stoned , Raggidy , SmokeSara , Slazenger , Loki , Ezroller , Herbenburg , The-Limey-Digit , MJCTHC1 , Upton , bobrolo , chufuginlookinat , imnice , bigginge87 , kbag , poisonivy , Sadface , badbillybob , TheHomieSmoky , DrCannaP , Robbie red hat , i spy , McPuffin , GRIMER , Wasat , She's-a-Lady , MrG , NYCgoonQueens , Donmitch0121 , edgar62 , joem113 , mushroom , alwayslearnin , Shreder , Amy P , Samwise Gamgee , ERBURT , UncleTBag , LoveMyBitches , BigDub , Budbomb , New_Growth , BritishBotanics , Hedonistic Hippy , Mr-Lover , Bloody Elbow , Blue , Captain Toker , Catch_E_Monkey , SkunkBudda403 , Dirty_badger , Hippy Crack , HughJardon , VapeC85 , dntlowey , PeytonManning , Skunnymonster , Green Dreamz , Seed Demon , smiling smiler , Shamoo , Lady Budz , British green , wildwelshman , shawnee , Bigbud78 , EaZiE , Gambit , bubba0435 , BunsBuds , cajuncelt , jimmy2shoes , Ironman , riot , Langers , Clarice_Starling , redisiel , Buster , Smiffy , geori , Withakay , ukhomegrower , Dazmandaz , Peter_Pan , H3RBIE , Skunky n funky , GhostPGE , Ye Old Pioneer , mysticjim , TOKER_REX , Mr.North , TheHottDawg , thehulk , Critical J , Swifty89 , Ganjaman6782 , Bud_Wiser , ciderboy , potanist01 , walshy , BUDDY , BobHop , Valve man , JB , TheDogsNutts , bazilbrush , ganja.lad , Yekke , Nftnewbiexx , Huktonfoniks , kush king , BudRasta , D90 , Joe Dirt , _teapot_ , Gaspode , joker_the_smoker , Fwank , jake420 , CocoGrow128 , Timbo287 , ReeferDankness , Subterranean Man , locky_7 , Northern , onion ring , rizla_C , kencancook , J Trich , FunkyB , leeinuk87 , Dutchcourage , twalte , country_budz , mrnice586 , BB , WADDIS , Trex , Missy , e11 , Wutang22 , snarf , Twisted , MR B-loom , toblue , Dr green fingers , Glynne , Hogweed , Greengrass , Wardr08e , WhIpLaSh , happyjack , OGPermaBaked420 , Valentina , JamesJoyce , Esh , skunkybudmans , GanjasaurusREX , Kobayashi , Cont3 , tom222 , TomKing , Stirl_420_SA , Done420 , Easy-T , WWBB , YorkshireFarmer , nom , Admiral , Flyingscotsman , scorpion , THC2017 , Realdocholliday , GREENSTICKYFINGERS , Street Smart , Memphis69 , Cooky2992 , Dizzydave , eightleggeddj , David Spaid , Devoed , Ralf454 , budfarmer , Karsa , Herbitual , G' , MonsterEnergy , Nicojellic , Pablo , Trichomedome , Elias , MRJIMMY2017 , lipnobody , Buttercup , gardro , Peanut butter , millwall115 , Welshgrow , WF420 , Benson123 , GreenEm , thelastrebel , FAT LAD 69 , Dr Green , ladymaryjane , Grow420- , GreenIRL , Farmshop , farmguy , AND , friendlygrower , Greencrack102 , Benjiman , weedjunkie420 , ELMo- , Harry1990 , 420Rancher , 2wasted , Beau_Bud , CityDweller , walkaway , Squaggy , Growqueen420 , Stickysticky , Majestic , Vikingo , Jimster , sourshoes , lltfdaniel , Lucas3330 , Kurdt , Pink , Mac , DreddFoxx , Corneu , Priapus , UpT0wn , GanJ mad , Silkadin , Erby , Grower88 , Mr_Motion , dynamite2144 , Jumper114 , Gaz , Cleargreen , Skunkpunch , oJAE , Kobz , Bundy75 , Dexter McPherson , kudos , Wags , Chippy1 , GasMan , C-Rex , ryan2293 , Jeff , LewisR19 , Itslittyofc , Mel9119 , Spliff man , Tavish , LondonSeedCentre , N_S , UpInSmoke1990 , curiouscultivator , harryhoudinii , matrixdts , Clifton , Old Skool Dude , psy , Cannabug , vividled , Ivana_Groweed , Bigdaddy 101 , Keepitquietplease , johndoh , El Danko , 2Relax , Naz007 , dan20boy99 , oldtimerocnrol , Uv123_4 , MrC , Le chef , Lowrollerbean , Flimzy , Quotientcatalysed , Sir Digby Chicken Caesar , Phytoplankton , ferdew , existence , Tyco , TeamVault - The Vault , roooot , ToughCall , Isolation , dick_turpine , Whitey66 , Justeatit , Nuggetz , Linzim7 , UkMedicalGrower , stealthbonger , Middy74 , TheCloudyChef , LoSGrower , J81 , B1unt , Thebigyin , Farmer Geddon , Monty719 , Karlito1 , Wile-E-Peyote , Jstatus , Stillmix , Dionysos , V8 , Ice9 , ian_beale , Prodigal , forager , LED Harry , danielsmith120789 , barney_b , Deku Nut , mustang_14282 , MrNavy , Cats , SmallTimer , geezergrow , DomoArigato , SilverBud , Doink , CheapHomeGrown , mpsj , Shaun , Tommy stoner , Bobby1980 , Frosty , Q_Buds , Spider Farmer LED , Effexion , maxkolonko123 , Sun&Soil , BigFatHippo , TightNugs , PoizonIvy , Monty Bong , BR3WDAWG , Outdo , ValdtheImpotent , MadJohn , AhHeeeeeeee , KushmanOG , Bogsmokefarm , texnik , r33ee , LethallMonkey , karnavor , PeculiarParsnip , Mr Cream Cheese
1000 Thanks Award 1000 Thanks Award 1000 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 1000 Thanks

Members who received this award: 493
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Ragman , greengiant , bergkamp , Eggbox , bubbs , Ganjaholic , -Smokey- , Strider , jobby2812 , Budda , Manny , dekay , Mr_Bimble , Fieldy , Tay , lostorstolen , W.S , wert , green grass , marmalade dreams , wigster , Ganesha , Stoneysmoker , Bethmeg , widowsmite , bhoy , seanMcPot , Marley13 , BudMan , Jesse_tpfi , Azerbanphal , up2nogood , The Lost Soul , BURNZ , Naxx , chibbs , cannamancan , hellfire , katy , yoko2009 , budbud007 , Mr ukthc , Adambomb , Wrams , TIKTOK , Denzil , cough , VMAX , leafy , prime , CockRoach , Up_in_smoke , New Age Outlaw , ENGLISH_HERBSMAN , Grandad , IceCalibur , bud_alzir , illearth67 , tjf8070 , Pink_tiger , Spiked , Bubbles LM , thcdudeuk , alwaystoned_1 , J420 , ANONYMOUS , Tabbatha , Vlad the Inhaler , funkydawg , seymour-buds , scoot , ChronMan , Stealthgrower , needsmust , The Fringe , FunkySkunkyMonkey , 2high , timothio , THE DUDE ABIDES , lil rasta , B.A.BARACUS , hemivette , teutonic , DrGreen , Sativa Steve , Mr Swilly , FoxyLady , stonedbunny , Bud Lightyear , StonedAsFuck , TC-UP , Forest , ChuChu , the green meanie , cocogrower , The G is Stoned , DelBoy , Happy roken , Smoggy , Claymorrow , Zen Archer , leyus , MR Grumpy , old skool toker , Pugz , iice , babybud3232 , Fluffy bud , Rockster , Mr Bloom , TokeItUpUK , Blue61 , Bush Doctor , Anonymiss , Diply , spoonofinsanity , dank , Lazee_Daze , Stimpy , LBN , Murdock , chillyerboots , spot , Mr Pothead , SmobyToker#1 , Phineasfreek , Jonnygrow , Diddydon , GBK , Rory Breaker , jibbers , RastaMouse22 , HighTokeinYoda , Woody J , Alzy , Winstun , _Whisperer , BIGCH33S3 , carpetburn , weepresty , Budmore , psychocannanaut , G_UNIT , Axeman , Uncle Albert , BabyBud , SlimCT , Ginger-bud , 420Boss , FACE , C21H30O2 , Dal , lizardking , Greeneyes5 , Donzo , blue cheese , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , dynodave , Mysteri0n , LittleMissBlue , SWSERGIO1 , gruff , Grover , L , jumpon , soundwave , skippy , rapid7 , Bmx Bandit , Herbies , Cybes , ironjustice , rockhopper , dodger1888 , Lil Sindigo , Tom10 , Special Branch , The Solyom , SilverSlim , Herbivorous , Mindless , kyg , Vador , chemcical , DaveyJones , weedtroll , Mrpukka , Ben.g , Shinigami , greenthumb123 , Krofam , Dr.GreenThumb420 , Mo Lodders , BADM4N , Skunk Brother , l2ampag3 , Olmec , Oxy , Rubbered , dpdpdpdpdp , denots , vapour , Mr.UnclePen , stickyickyicky , Petal , Captain Beefheart , red eye knight , The budda , mc6pack , Duke1 , PlantMatter , Koi_Carp , CocoMonkey , Nappa , tokersupreme , bigbadbillybob , KiefKat , 2Acres , BackWoodsDrifter , dogman , RASTA , Humph , Zip , SyRaX , Dr Plough , galt , KrazyDave , Amnesia auto , maenam , SprinkledWithEmulsion , Fairy , Toker-24 , satnavsatnav , TaNg PeNg , reganlives , GEORGE , scoobywho , Type M , trutothis2014 , Jingo , PJR71 , Cunning , Inky , tuhaku , SmokeSara , Slazenger , Loki , Ezroller , Herbenburg , The-Limey-Digit , MJCTHC1 , Upton , bobrolo , chufuginlookinat , imnice , kbag , Sadface , DrCannaP , i spy , GRIMER , Wasat , She's-a-Lady , MrG , Donmitch0121 , edgar62 , joem113 , mushroom , Shreder , Amy P , Samwise Gamgee , ERBURT , LoveMyBitches , Budbomb , BritishBotanics , Hedonistic Hippy , Mr-Lover , Bloody Elbow , Blue , Captain Toker , Catch_E_Monkey , SkunkBudda403 , Dirty_badger , Hippy Crack , PeytonManning , Skunnymonster , Green Dreamz , Seed Demon , Shamoo , Lady Budz , British green , wildwelshman , shawnee , Bigbud78 , EaZiE , Ironman , riot , Clarice_Starling , redisiel , Buster , ukhomegrower , Dazmandaz , Peter_Pan , Skunky n funky , GhostPGE , Ye Old Pioneer , mysticjim , TOKER_REX , Mr.North , TheHottDawg , Critical J , Ganjaman6782 , Bud_Wiser , ciderboy , potanist01 , BUDDY , Valve man , JB , TheDogsNutts , bazilbrush , ganja.lad , _teapot_ , Gaspode , joker_the_smoker , Fwank , jake420 , Timbo287 , ReeferDankness , Subterranean Man , Northern , rizla_C , kencancook , J Trich , FunkyB , Dutchcourage , country_budz , BB , WADDIS , Trex , Missy , snarf , Twisted , MR B-loom , splooge , toblue , Dr green fingers , Glynne , Greengrass , WhIpLaSh , happyjack , OGPermaBaked420 , Valentina , JamesJoyce , Esh , skunkybudmans , GanjasaurusREX , Kobayashi , Cont3 , tom222 , TomKing , Stirl_420_SA , Done420 , Easy-T , YorkshireFarmer , Admiral , Flyingscotsman , scorpion , Street Smart , Memphis69 , Cooky2992 , Dizzydave , eightleggeddj , Ralf454 , budfarmer , Karsa , Herbitual , G' , MonsterEnergy , Pablo , Trichomedome , Elias , MRJIMMY2017 , lipnobody , gardro , Peanut butter , millwall115 , WF420 , Benson123 , GreenEm , thelastrebel , FAT LAD 69 , Dr Green , GreenIRL , Farmshop , farmguy , AND , Greencrack102 , ELMo- , Harry1990 , 420Rancher , 2wasted , Beau_Bud , CityDweller , Squaggy , Stickysticky , Vikingo , sourshoes , Lucas3330 , Kurdt , Mac , Corneu , Priapus , UpT0wn , GanJ mad , Silkadin , Erby , Grower88 , Mr_Motion , dynamite2144 , Jumper114 , Gaz , Cleargreen , Skunkpunch , oJAE , Kobz , Bundy75 , Dexter McPherson , kudos , Wags , Chippy1 , GasMan , C-Rex , Jeff , LewisR19 , Itslittyofc , Spliff man , Tavish , LondonSeedCentre , UpInSmoke1990 , curiouscultivator , harryhoudinii , Old Skool Dude , Cannabug , Ivana_Groweed , Bigdaddy 101 , Keepitquietplease , johndoh , 2Relax , Uv123_4 , MrC , Le chef , Lowrollerbean , Flimzy , Sir Digby Chicken Caesar , roooot , ToughCall , Isolation , dick_turpine , Nuggetz , stealthbonger , Middy74 , TheCloudyChef , LoSGrower , B1unt , Farmer Geddon , Karlito1 , Wile-E-Peyote , Jstatus , V8 , Prodigal , forager , barney_b , Deku Nut , SmallTimer , DomoArigato , Doink , CheapHomeGrown , mpsj , Shaun , Tommy stoner , Frosty , Spider Farmer LED , Effexion , maxkolonko123 , Sun&Soil , TightNugs , PoizonIvy , BR3WDAWG , ValdtheImpotent , MadJohn , Bogsmokefarm , r33ee
5000 Thanks Award 5000 Thanks Award 5000 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 5000 Thanks

Members who received this award: 169
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Ragman , dekay , Fieldy , wert , Ganesha , Bethmeg , seanMcPot , up2nogood , cannamancan , Adambomb , CockRoach , Grandad , IceCalibur , illearth67 , Spiked , Tabbatha , Vlad the Inhaler , funkydawg , scoot , THE DUDE ABIDES , lil rasta , B.A.BARACUS , Mr Swilly , stonedbunny , Bud Lightyear , Forest , ChuChu , DelBoy , Zen Archer , Blue61 , Anonymiss , LBN , Murdock , SmobyToker#1 , Rory Breaker , RastaMouse22 , Woody J , Alzy , Winstun , carpetburn , Ginger-bud , FACE , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , L , ironjustice , Lil Sindigo , The Solyom , SilverSlim , kyg , Ben.g , greenthumb123 , Krofam , Oxy , Rubbered , denots , Petal , The budda , Duke1 , CocoMonkey , BackWoodsDrifter , RASTA , Zip , SyRaX , satnavsatnav , GEORGE , scoobywho , Type M , Jingo , Inky , Loki , kbag , Sadface , Wasat , MrG , Donmitch0121 , Shreder , Samwise Gamgee , ERBURT , Hedonistic Hippy , Blue , Catch_E_Monkey , SkunkBudda403 , Dirty_badger , Hippy Crack , PeytonManning , Skunnymonster , Green Dreamz , Seed Demon , British green , EaZiE , Ironman , riot , redisiel , Skunky n funky , JB , ganja.lad , joker_the_smoker , jake420 , country_budz , BB , Trex , Twisted , MR B-loom , toblue , Dr green fingers , Glynne , Greengrass , WhIpLaSh , happyjack , Valentina , Cont3 , Easy-T , Flyingscotsman , scorpion , Karsa , Herbitual , G' , MonsterEnergy , Pablo , lipnobody , gardro , Peanut butter , millwall115 , WF420 , Benson123 , Dr Green , GreenIRL , Farmshop , AND , CityDweller , Squaggy , Stickysticky , sourshoes , Mac , Priapus , UpT0wn , Silkadin , Grower88 , Mr_Motion , Jumper114 , Gaz , Cleargreen , Dexter McPherson , Wags , C-Rex , Jeff , LewisR19 , Tavish , UpInSmoke1990 , Cannabug , Bigdaddy 101 , MrC , Le chef , B1unt , Farmer Geddon , Jstatus , V8 , barney_b , Deku Nut , Doink , CheapHomeGrown , mpsj , Shaun , Tommy stoner , Frosty , Sun&Soil , TightNugs
10,000 Thanks Award 10,000 Thanks Award 10,000 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 10,000 Thanks

Members who received this award: 94
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Fieldy , Bethmeg , Goodbuddy , up2nogood , Grandad , IceCalibur , Vlad the Inhaler , funkydawg , scoot , THE DUDE ABIDES , B.A.BARACUS , Mr Swilly , stonedbunny , Bud Lightyear , Blue61 , Anonymiss , Murdock , Mr Pothead , FACE , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , Krofam , Oxy , Petal , Captain Beefheart , The budda , Duke1 , RASTA , GEORGE , scoobywho , Jingo , Loki , Sadface , Wasat , MrG , Donmitch0121 , Shreder , Samwise Gamgee , ERBURT , Blue , Catch_E_Monkey , Dirty_badger , PeytonManning , Skunnymonster , Green Dreamz , British green , EaZiE , Ironman , riot , redisiel , Skunky n funky , joker_the_smoker , country_budz , BB , Trex , WhIpLaSh , Valentina , Easy-T , scorpion , Karsa , Herbitual , G' , MonsterEnergy , Pablo , lipnobody , gardro , WF420 , Dr Green , AND , CityDweller , Squaggy , sourshoes , Mac , Silkadin , Jumper114 , Gaz , Cleargreen , Dexter McPherson , Wags , LewisR19 , Tavish , Bigdaddy 101 , MrC , B1unt , Farmer Geddon , V8 , barney_b , Deku Nut , Doink , mpsj , Shaun , Sun&Soil , TightNugs
20,000 Thanks Award 20,000 Thanks Award 20,000 Thanks Award
20,000 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 20,000 Thanks

Members who received this award: 41
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Grub , IceCalibur , scoot , B.A.BARACUS , Bud Lightyear , Blue61 , Murdock , FACE , Oxy , Captain Beefheart , RASTA , GEORGE , Jingo , Loki , Sadface , MrG , ERBURT , Blue , British green , Ironman , redisiel , joker_the_smoker , BB , Trex , WhIpLaSh , Valentina , Easy-T , Herbitual , G' , gardro , AND , CityDweller , Mac , Gaz , Wags , MrC , Farmer Geddon , V8 , barney_b , Shaun
50,000 Thanks Award 50,000 Thanks Award 50,000 Thanks Award
50,000 Thanks Award

Members who received this award: 14
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , M_C , IceCalibur , Bud Lightyear , RASTA , GEORGE , British green , joker_the_smoker , BB , Trex , Easy-T , Herbitual , CityDweller , MrC , barney_b

Monthly Awards
Icon Image Name / Description
Plant of the Month Winner Plant of the Month Winner Plant of the Month Winner
This Award is given to members who win Plant of the Month

Members who received this award: 112
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , WTL , Bitterfly , weed heed , Strider , stoneroz , shark , dekay , Munkeyboi , Fieldy , Grub , poemsforsealions , SBTUK , meddy , M_C , monkeyboy , OldSkoolDude , Bethmeg , Goodbuddy , Marley13 , up2nogood , MoonLight , hellfire , BioShock , duggie20091 , Shades Of Green , Adambomb , Grandad , IceCalibur , segauk , scoot , FunkySkunkyMonkey , B.A.BARACUS , tissue999 , MR Grumpy , rndusername , Tansta , LBN , G_UNIT , Uncle Albert , Ginger-bud , lizardking , Greeneyes5 , kingsmoke , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , L , scottishlass29 , Mindless , Skeg , Krofam , denots , Petal , CocoMonkey , BackWoodsDrifter , RASTA , Dr Plough , GEORGE , Type M , Jingo , Loki , Upton , Seamus , Sadface , MrG , Donmitch0121 , Blue , Captain Toker , Green Dreamz , Lady Budz , British green , EaZiE , Ironman , riot , Dazmandaz , bane8891 , BudRasta , joker_the_smoker , FunkyB , country_budz , BB , snarf , Dr green fingers , Valentina , Cont3 , Easy-T , Admiral , Flyingscotsman , Herbitual , Nicojellic , Pablo , gardro , Peanut butter , GreenEm , Farmshop , Beau_Bud , CityDweller , Squaggy , Stickysticky , Silkadin , Dexter McPherson , Wags , LewisR19 , MrC , Isolation , B1unt , V8 , barney_b , mpsj , Sun&Soil , TightNugs , ValdtheImpotent
Bud of the Month Winner Bud of the Month Winner Bud of the Month Winner
This Award is given to members who win Bud of the Month

Worst Plant of the month Winner Worst Plant of the month Winner Worst Plant of the month Winner
This Award is given to members who win the Worst Plant of the month

Members who received this award: 27
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Strider , M_C , wigster , illearth67 , funkydawg , scoot , lil rasta , Forest , Blue61 , Diply , Mr Pothead , RastaMouse22 , BabyBud , stickymicky , GEORGE , Loki , ERBURT , Blue , joker_the_smoker , Subterranean Man , country_budz , Valentina , Pablo , AND , CityDweller , Jeff , mpsj
Member Of The Month Member Of The Month Member Of The Month
Member Of The Month

Members who received this award: 1
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Shaun

Established & Respected User Awards
Icon Image Name / Description
Respected User Award Respected User Award Respected User Award
Respected User Award

Members who received this award: 76
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Ganjaholic , Fieldy , M_C , Bethmeg , prime , IceCalibur , illearth67 , scoot , Bud Lightyear , Forest , Zen Archer , Blue61 , Murdock , SmobyToker#1 , Ginger-bud , FACE , rockhopper , kyg , Krofam , The budda , BackWoodsDrifter , GEORGE , scoobywho , Type M , Jingo , Loki , kbag , Sadface , MrG , Samwise Gamgee , ERBURT , Blue , British green , EaZiE , Ironman , riot , redisiel , Skunky n funky , joker_the_smoker , country_budz , BB , Trex , MR B-loom , Greengrass , WhIpLaSh , Valentina , Easy-T , Karsa , Herbitual , G' , MonsterEnergy , WF420 , Farmshop , CityDweller , Squaggy , sourshoes , Mac , Silkadin , Cleargreen , Dexter McPherson , Wags , C-Rex , LewisR19 , MrC , B1unt , Farmer Geddon , Jstatus , V8 , barney_b , Deku Nut , mpsj , Shaun , Sun&Soil , TightNugs , PoizonIvy , ValdtheImpotent
Established Grower Established Grower Established Grower
Established Grower

Members who received this award: 105
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Bethmeg , cough , prime , IceCalibur , illearth67 , funkydawg , scoot , Bud Lightyear , Zen Archer , Fluffy bud , Blue61 , The Solyom , Krofam , Petal , The budda , BackWoodsDrifter , KrazyDave , Amnesia auto , GEORGE , scoobywho , Type M , Jingo , Sadface , MrG , Shreder , Hippy Crack , riot , ganja.lad , jake420 , Subterranean Man , country_budz , Trex , Greengrass , Valentina , JamesJoyce , skunkybudmans , Cont3 , tom222 , Easy-T , Flyingscotsman , scorpion , Dizzydave , budfarmer , Karsa , Herbitual , G' , Pablo , Trichomedome , MRJIMMY2017 , lipnobody , gardro , millwall115 , WF420 , Benson123 , Dr Green , GreenIRL , AND , CityDweller , Squaggy , Stickysticky , sourshoes , Kurdt , Mac , Priapus , UpT0wn , Silkadin , Grower88 , Mr_Motion , Jumper114 , Gaz , Cleargreen , Wags , C-Rex , LewisR19 , Tavish , UpInSmoke1990 , Cannabug , Bigdaddy 101 , MrC , Le chef , Lowrollerbean , Sir Digby Chicken Caesar , ToughCall , dick_turpine , stealthbonger , B1unt , Farmer Geddon , Wile-E-Peyote , Jstatus , V8 , Prodigal , barney_b , Deku Nut , DomoArigato , Doink , CheapHomeGrown , mpsj , Shaun , Tommy stoner , Frosty , Sun&Soil , TightNugs , PoizonIvy , ValdtheImpotent , MadJohn

This Award is given to members who are THCtalk Mentors and Students
Icon Image Name / Description
Official THCtalk Mentor Official THCtalk Mentor Official THCtalk Mentor
This Award is given to Official THCtalk Mentors

Members who received this award: 19
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Bethmeg , Bud Lightyear , FACE , Krofam , bigbadbillybob , RASTA , Jingo , Loki , Sadface , MrG , Samwise Gamgee , Blue , British green , redisiel , joker_the_smoker , BB , Squaggy , MrC , V8
Student Student Student
This Award is given to THCtalk Students

Members who received this award: 1
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , maxkolonko123
Student - Completed Student - Completed Student - Completed
This Award is given to THCtalk Students that complete the course

Members who received this award: 130
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Strider , Fieldy , joshbozier , green grass , budbud007 , IceCalibur , B.A.BARACUS , Claymorrow , rndusername , Stimpy , Murdock , SmobyToker#1 , RastaMouse22 , smiffyuk2003 , Axeman , Uncle Albert , Dal , lizardking , dreamgreen , rockhopper , dodger1888 , Switch2 , The Solyom , nubreed , AliceBrownieBaker , greenthumb123 , Krofam , Hattori , Skunk Brother , l2ampag3 , Oxy , denots , vapour , pilgrim187 , smilesbro , The budda , Koi_Carp , bigbadbillybob , new g , dogman , RASTA , stealthgrow , MonkeyTime , ktm , Fairy , satnavsatnav , My Tent Or Yours , trutothis2014 , Growing_Koi , Raggidy , Loki , Ezroller , Herbenburg , MJCTHC1 , Wasat , She's-a-Lady , MrG , IvorCutler , joem113 , mushroom , Shreder , Amy P , Samwise Gamgee , ERBURT , Galadriel , Catch_E_Monkey , Dirty_badger , Hippy Crack , MrTumble , Lady Budz , EaZiE , Gambit , BunsBuds , Ironman , riot , redisiel , Buster , Dazmandaz , H3RBIE , Bushwacked74 , Skunky n funky , Ye Old Pioneer , BUDDY , Nftnewbiexx , D90 , joker_the_smoker , CocoGrow128 , 2generations , Band Of Horses , Subterranean Man , Northern , spazicstann , leeinuk87 , Missy , snarf , clownstyle , WakaWaka , Wardr08e , WhIpLaSh , Ganja_Montana , Nortz007 , Skunk12 , GanjasaurusREX , DPH , Easy-T , YorkshireFarmer , scorpion , eightleggeddj , Pablo , gardro , WF420 , Dr Green , Farmshop , farmguy , Beau_Bud , Squaggy , Majestic , Growin for Dad , Silkadin , BAL80 , dynamite2144 , Gaz , GasMan , LewisR19 , Bigdaddy 101 , dan20boy99 , oldtimerocnrol , Frosty , Effexion

Awards given once a year
Icon Image Name / Description
Plant Of The Year Winner Plant Of The Year Winner Plant Of The Year Winner
This Award is given to members who win Plant of the Year

Members who received this award: 9
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , dekay , SBTUK , Bethmeg , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , BackWoodsDrifter , Loki , gardro , MrC
Bud Of The Year Winner Bud Of The Year Winner Bud Of The Year Winner
This Award is given to members who win Bud of the Year

Members who received this award: 4
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , scoot , Blue61 , Easy-T , ValdtheImpotent
Diary Of The Year Diary Of The Year Diary Of The Year
This Award is given to members who win Diary of the Year

Members who received this award: 12
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Grandad , THE DUDE ABIDES , Bud Lightyear , Diply , Oxy , Samwise Gamgee , Blue , Missy , WhIpLaSh , gardro , B1unt , Sun&Soil
Member Of The Year Award Member Of The Year Award Member Of The Year Award
This award is given to the member of the year

Members who received this award: 7
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , M_C , IceCalibur , Jingo , Samwise Gamgee , Ironman , V8 , Sun&Soil
New Member Of The Year Award New Member Of The Year Award New Member Of The Year Award
This award is given out to the member of the Year

Members who received this award: 10
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Duke1 , PJR71 , EaZiE , joker_the_smoker , GanjasaurusREX , Gaz , UpInSmoke1990 , Deku Nut , ValdtheImpotent , Mr Cream Cheese
Tree Of The Year Award! Tree Of The Year Award! Tree Of The Year Award!
This is awarded to the member who wins the Tree Of The Year competition.

Members who received this award: 8
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , , Mr Pothead , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , kyg , BackWoodsDrifter , Mac , Sun&Soil
Mod Of The Year Mod Of The Year Mod Of The Year
Mod Of The Year

Members who received this award: 8
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Blue61 , RASTA , Samwise Gamgee , ERBURT , Blue , Easy-T , CityDweller , Deku Nut
Autoflower Of The Year Autoflower Of The Year Autoflower Of The Year
Autoflower Of The Year

Members who received this award: 4
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Jingo , BB , Easy-T , barney_b
Chilli Of The Year Chilli Of The Year Chilli Of The Year
Chilli Plant Of The Year

Members who received this award: 1
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , gardro
Cock Of The Year Cock Of The Year Cock Of The Year
This Award is given to Members who win Cock of the year

Members who received this award: 4
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Oxy , Herbitual , MrC , B1unt

2L Pepsi Challenge Winner
Icon Image Name / Description
Pepsi Challenge Winner Pepsi Challenge Winner Pepsi Challenge Winner
Pepsi Challenge Winner

Members who received this award: 8
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , M_C , Bethmeg , GRIMER , riot , MR B-loom , gardro , MrC , barney_b

This Award is given to members who are helpful, knowledgeable and answer questions
Icon Image Name / Description
100 Answered Question Award 100 Answered Question Award 100 Answered Question Award
This is awarded to the member who have answered 100 members questions

Members who received this award: 13
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , M_C , up2nogood , B.A.BARACUS , Bud Lightyear , Anonymiss , Murdock , Woody J , Alzy , FACE , Oxy , GEORGE , Blue , joker_the_smoker

This award is given to THC forum moderators
Icon Image Name / Description
MOD Award MOD Award MOD Award
This Award is given to THC Moderators

Members who received this award: 12
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , IceCalibur , scoot , Bud Lightyear , Blue61 , GEORGE , MrG , Easy-T , Herbitual , CityDweller , Mac , MrC , Deku Nut

Secret Santa participants and organisers
Icon Image Name / Description
Secret Santa Organiser Secret Santa Organiser Secret Santa Organiser
Secret Santa Organiser

Members who received this award: 4
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Blue61 , Oxy , RASTA , Farmshop
Secret Santa Participant Secret Santa Participant Secret Santa Participant
Secret Santa Participant

Bong Building Award
Icon Image Name / Description
Bong Trophy Bong Trophy Bong Trophy
Awarded to winners of THCtalks bong building competition

Members who received this award: 11
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , WTL , Tay , BURNZ , Drewbud315 , Petal , stickymicky , Stirl_420_SA , GreenIRL , AND , Cleargreen , Deku Nut

This Award is given to Chat Moderators
Icon Image Name / Description
Chat Moderator Chat Moderator Chat Moderator
This Award is given to Chat Moderators

Members who received this award: 4
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , IceCalibur , Herbitual , MrC , Deku Nut

Outstanding Member Award
Icon Image Name / Description
The Outstanding Achievement Award The Outstanding Achievement Award The Outstanding Achievement Award
Giving to Outstanding members of the community.

Members who received this award: 4
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , M_C , Bud Lightyear , FACE , Blue

Mixed awards
Icon Image Name / Description
Community by the fire Community by the fire Community by the fire
Official THCTalk Fire Tender

Members who received this award: 1
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , BackWoodsDrifter
Fire Safety Badge Fire Safety Badge Fire Safety Badge
Award for completing Fire Safety checks.

Members who received this award: 19
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , M_C , IceCalibur , scoot , hoochter , GEORGE , MrG , 11milesoffshore , scorpion , MrC , Jstatus , V8 , Ice9 , barney_b , Deku Nut , Doink , mpsj , maxkolonko123 , Sun&Soil , PoizonIvy
Actimel Challenge Actimel Challenge Actimel Challenge
This award is given to winners of the actimel challenge

Members who received this award: 3
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Jingo , Herbitual , Jstatus
Section Moderator Section Moderator Section Moderator
Section Moderator

No member has this award
'In It To Win It' participant 'In It To Win It' participant 'In It To Win It' participant
Member took part in THCTalk's 10th Birthday mega competition

Members who received this award: 29
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Ganjaholic , M_C , Bethmeg , B.A.BARACUS , Bud Lightyear , Ginger-bud , Oxy , Captain Beefheart , lazor_ears , Inky , tuhaku , ERBURT , Blue , Catch_E_Monkey , British green , Ironman , redisiel , Buster , potanist01 , joker_the_smoker , Fwank , CocoGrow128 , Timbo287 , Northern , mrnice586 , snarf , Glynne , Esh , Farmshop
THCTalk Mug Challenge Winner THCTalk Mug Challenge Winner THCTalk Mug Challenge Winner
THCTalk Mug Challenge Winner

Members who received this award: 3
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Jingo , Ironman , Jumper114
Sunflower Competition Winner Sunflower Competition Winner Sunflower Competition Winner
Sunflower Competition Winner

Members who received this award: 2
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Ginger-bud , Pablo
Pumpkin Carve Off Comp Pumpkin Carve Off Comp Pumpkin Carve Off Comp
Pumpkin Carve Off Comp

Members who received this award: 3
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , G' , Le chef , mpsj
THCtalk Seed Creator THCtalk Seed Creator THCtalk Seed Creator
This badge is given to THCtalk members who meet the requirements as a 'THCtalk Seed Creator'

Members who received this award: 3
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , scoot , Zen Archer , Cleargreen

Outstanding THCTalk radio DJ
Icon Image Name / Description
Disc Master Disc Master Disc Master
Outstanding THCTalk radio DJ

Members who received this award: 2
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , M_C , satnavsatnav

This Award is given to members who DJ on THCtalk
Icon Image Name / Description
THCtalk DJ THCtalk DJ THCtalk DJ
This medal is given to members of the THC DJ group

Members who received this award: 1
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Ironman

This Award is given to members who attended the Amsterdam meet
Icon Image Name / Description
Thctalk Amsterdam meet-up Thctalk Amsterdam meet-up Thctalk Amsterdam meet-up
This Award is given to members who attended the Thctalk Amsterdam meet

Members who received this award: 14
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , M_C , Murdock , Ginger-bud , FACE , reganlives , Skunnymonster , Green Dreamz , Lady Budz , British green , Ironman , redisiel , nom , WF420 , Squaggy

Award Giving to members who complete the ice bucket Chellage
Icon Image Name / Description
Ice Bucket Challenge Award Ice Bucket Challenge Award Ice Bucket Challenge Award
For completing the Ice Bucket Challenge

Members who received this award: 15
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , M_C , stonedbunny , Murdock , weepresty , FACE , Jesse Pinkman , Oxy , denots , RASTA , leftfootriteshoe , PJR71 , chufuginlookinat , GingerOverlord420 , TheHomieSmoky , Robbie red hat

Awarded For Outstanding Medical Marijuana Research
Icon Image Name / Description
Medical Marijuana Research Award Medical Marijuana Research Award Medical Marijuana Research Award
Awarded For Outstanding Medical Marijuana Research

Members who received this award: 1
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , Dexter McPherson

This Award is given to members of the THCTalk Hall of fame
Icon Image Name / Description
THCTalk Hall of fame THCTalk Hall of fame THCTalk Hall of fame
This Award is given to members of the THCTalk Hall of fame

Members who received this award: 33
-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: awards_awardusers_bit --> , lkdj2003 , dekay , Fieldy , Grub , wert , M_C , Bethmeg , Goodbuddy , up2nogood , IceCalibur , THE DUDE ABIDES , Bud Lightyear , Blue61 , Murdock , Woody J , FACE , Jesse Pinkman , Hannibal , Oxy , RASTA , GEORGE , Jingo , Samwise Gamgee , ERBURT , Blue , Green Dreamz , British green , Ironman , redisiel , Easy-T , Street Smart , Herbitual , Mac

Yet Another Awards System v4.0.6 Disclaimer - You must be over 18 years old to view/use this site does not encourage growing Cannabis or possessing Cannabis. Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US States