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  1. she lives just south of cardiff,rizotonic-stress releiver but not sure if it can b used with ionic,anyhow they r taking off good and look lovely especially the kiwi ive never flowered a plant veged that long and have high hopes for it,its huge,i have a blue enviroliite over it and the hps a little lower because of the difference in height but should only have the hps on soon as the height should b acheived,they both go on at the same time and try for them to go off the same time i just hope this wont hermie them as i use segmentals which as u no r hard to synchronise them,i will take a look at your current grow when i have time,lifes sped up a notch!! good to here from u and have to say using soil again is so much easier 4 me
  2. I'm good mate. Isn't rizo a stress relief? Seedlings get by on it too.

    Use the ionic bloom mate. Tomato food is decent too.

    Wilma 8 pot on the go, check my Sig if you're interested. Page 21 for latest video.

    Good to hear you're safe and well. Wilma would be good for you IMO, only need to fill res up and can leave then.

    Wales north, centre or south? Love the place bar cities (Cardiff nice though).
  3. Just popped in to see how you're doing. Read your last post, hope all is well
  4. View Conversation
    safe marcus south west is best!
  5. no,im trying now
  6. View Conversation
    any joy with the pics?
  7. View Conversation
    at week 6 mate they wont be worth smoking (if thats why ya askin) theres 2 stickys you should read in the harvest+curing section
  8. im a newbie in the southwest of the uk and through an illness cant ork,ive toked for about 20years and spent tens of thousands of pounds with nothing to show for it.
    I have to take ******** and several other tablets and still i feel pain,Weed and a few beers kills the pain DEAD,so decided to grow my own to save alot of money and relieve my pain.
    As i cant work i can spend my time growing my own.
    I should of done it years ago as it seems alot of people have realised the benefits of growing your own
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100 Thanks Award 100 Thanks Award Name: 100 Thanks Award
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Issue time: 02-10-12, 02:13 PM
Issue reason: Disclaimer - You must be over 18 years old to view/use this site does not encourage growing Cannabis or possessing Cannabis. Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US States

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