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About The Solyom

Basic Information

About The Solyom
The bad
I'm fucked. Emphysema cripples me, my back/hips take the piss. On O2 almost all the time. Suffer with extreme Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)(contained with Pramipexole) Lack of sleep caused by the problems mentioned.
I am alone. My beloved died of lung cancer in 2015 and I have no family members I would wish to speak to.

The good.

Whoop Whoop. I get up every day. I get the vape ready, add loads of PG tips and a bacon buttie (to the morning not the vape lol) and life is good . Better than good. I'm growing again. I can't put into words the joy I get from watching weed plants grow.

I absolutely love not having the family stuff people do. I get why people like having family around them, but it's not for me. I am way too selfish.

I love Guiness (winter) Cider (summer) Captain Morgans Spiced Rum, straight, and Whetherspoons for making it affordable.

I love dogs, lots. Far more than humans.

I will have a beautiful garden by the end of summer. The legal sit in type.

I can afford to live without financial worry. Thanks go out to the DWP.

I live a simple life with simple needs.

If you've managed to read through the most boring parts of my life and are still interested in conversing with me, PM me.

Online friends are great. You can fuck em off without that face to face"Piss off mate, you bore the fuck out of me" conversation.

I'm never away from THC talk for too long now I'm in my forever home and am back growing.

Peace and love people, the older you get, the more you know it's the only way.
Staying alive
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Funny picture thread. 05-11-21 06:47 PM
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  • Been Thanked: 7,136 Times
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14-06-23 02:12 PM
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6 Friends

  1. 2Relax  Offline

    Well known around here

  2. Freedom of Seeds  Offline

    New Thc Toker

    Freedom of Seeds
  3. Herbitual  Offline


  4. Krofam  Online


  5. Mac  Offline


  6. scorpion  Offline

    Legendary Toker

Showing Friends 1 to 6 of 6

Awards Showcase - 7 Awards

Icon Image Description
1000 Post Award 1000 Post Award Name: 1000 Post Award
This Medal is awarded for members who gain 1000 posts
Issue time: 17-05-20, 07:45 PM
Issue reason: 1,000 posts
100 Thanks Award 100 Thanks Award Name: 100 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 100 Thanks
Issue time: 14-03-20, 05:15 PM
Issue reason: 100 thanks
500 Thanks Award 500 Thanks Award Name: 500 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 500 Thanks
Issue time: 26-03-20, 07:29 PM
Issue reason: 500 thanks
1000 Thanks Award 1000 Thanks Award Name: 1000 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 1000 Thanks
Issue time: 10-04-20, 12:48 PM
Issue reason: 1000 thanks. Well done dude ????
5000 Thanks Award 5000 Thanks Award Name: 5000 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 5000 Thanks
Issue time: 07-08-20, 12:07 PM
Issue reason: About time :-)
Established Grower Established Grower Name: Established Grower
Established Grower
Issue time: 03-01-21, 07:58 PM
Issue reason: Dec 20 Tango'ed
Student - Completed Student - Completed Name: Student - Completed
This Award is given to THCtalk Students that complete the course
Issue time: 07-02-21, 06:32 PM
Issue reason: Completed mentor award. Well done ????

THCtalk.com Disclaimer - You must be over 18 years old to view/use this site .THCtalk.com does not encourage growing Cannabis or possessing Cannabis. Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US States

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