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About Catch_E_Monkey

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About Catch_E_Monkey
Space Cadet, my great grandad Able was the first monkey to successfully return to Earth after traveling in space! I'm not quite that impressive, just your regular, run of the mill weed smoking monkey. Peace out brothers in farms!
The Isle of Naboombu
boats, video games, growing, comics, films, music, books, playing with my dog, being with my nephew.
Aeronautic Space Division
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I will not spam the forum
Currently Growing...:
Nothin honest Guv'na


Odour Control!!!

"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer."
Bruce Lee

Be Excellent To Each Other, and Party On Dudes!
Bill S. Preston, Esq


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  • Been Thanked: 12,598 Times
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38 Friends

  1. BREWIS  Offline

    Regular THC User

  2. British green  Offline

    Legendary Toker

    British green
  3. Bud Lightyear  Offline

    Going Beyond Infinity

    Bud Lightyear
  4. buddebud  Offline

    Regular THC User

  5. chanandler bong  Offline

    Full time Thc toker

    chanandler bong
  6. Donmitch0121  Offline

    Legendary Toker

  7. EaZiE  Offline

    Straight Outta Compton!

  8. ERBURT  Offline


  9. Father jack  Offline

    Father jack FOR PM!!

    Father jack
  10. Fieldy  Offline

    Respected User

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Awards Showcase - 9 Awards

Icon Image Description
1000 Post Award 1000 Post Award Name: 1000 Post Award
This Medal is awarded for members who gain 1000 posts
Issue time: 08-04-15, 07:55 PM
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5000 Post Award 5000 Post Award Name: 5000 Post Award
This Medal is awarded for members who gain 5000 posts
Issue time: 26-04-16, 11:32 AM
Issue reason: Because Your worth it..

Nice one mate.
100 Thanks Award 100 Thanks Award Name: 100 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 100 Thanks
Issue time: 12-02-15, 10:31 PM
Issue reason: Congrats buddy!
500 Thanks Award 500 Thanks Award Name: 500 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 500 Thanks
Issue time: 16-03-15, 10:03 PM
Issue reason:
1000 Thanks Award 1000 Thanks Award Name: 1000 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 1000 Thanks
Issue time: 08-04-15, 07:56 PM
Issue reason:
5000 Thanks Award 5000 Thanks Award Name: 5000 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 5000 Thanks
Issue time: 21-08-15, 09:15 PM
Issue reason: Very Nice, not many have made it to 5,000!!
10,000 Thanks Award 10,000 Thanks Award Name: 10,000 Thanks Award
This Award is given to Members who gain 10,000 Thanks
Issue time: 18-04-16, 04:43 PM
Issue reason: 10,000 Thanks Award
Student - Completed Student - Completed Name: Student - Completed
This Award is given to THCtalk Students that complete the course
Issue time: 04-07-15, 01:19 PM
Issue reason:
'In It To Win It' participant 'In It To Win It' participant Name: 'In It To Win It' participant
Member took part in THCTalk's 10th Birthday mega competition
Issue time: 17-05-17, 08:03 AM
Issue reason: Thank you for taking part in the 10th Birthday In It To Win It competition!!!

THCtalk.com Disclaimer - You must be over 18 years old to view/use this site .THCtalk.com does not encourage growing Cannabis or possessing Cannabis. Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US States

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