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About weweedopeeh?

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About weweedopeeh?
I'll be honest with u the past 4 and a half yrs have been the toughest most traumatic and mentally and physically demanding years of my life basically it all started when i woke up cuddling my wife who had died of pneumonia during the night 7th December 2019 24th December 2021 my last family i had my mother passed on at 84 years old a good innings as they say eh then lost my home of 56 years because i couldn't afford to live in it and pay for fuel council tax and food etc on 160 quid a fortnight with 2 dogs funeral costs and debts etc i had to sell up so been homeless since October 2022 sofa surfing and just had to put both of my dogs to sleep because of the cancer they had so nothing left to do it was the best and right thing to do but at 18 and a half and 17 and a half yrs old for 2 whippets who everyone said 6years and death by cancer well a normal healthy whippets average age of life is 12 to 15years so I've got nothing but time and my only focus and purpose in life is THE GREEN LIGHT LIFE
currently a Dr of life and people study
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