Keep a close eye on your pH too. Those red stems are worrying me.
Keep a close eye on your pH too. Those red stems are worrying me.
Ok galt when I last checked they was 5.7 mate.
Hi again checked my ph yesterday it was 4.1 so I phd it back to 5.7 ill be keeping a close eye on the ph from now
galt (30-01-14)
Did you rinse and ph soak the pebbles before use..
That might be why the ph is dropping..
They look dusty to me..
If it was me I would start again..
You will be fighting it all the way..
Hi chuchu start from a fresh cutting? I've rinsed the tub soaked the pebbles and mixed up a new batch of feed with my ph set again at 5.7. Cheers guys for replays
How often wood u water it as I'm told loads of diffent ways cheers
Forest just a quick one i was about to bin the plant yesterday and said to myself Ill put the plant on a 24hr water drip from the top and went and checked the plant today it's perked up looks loads better.
Hi guys back again with a quick one plant looks nice and green and I've flipped them to 12/12 but I'm having trouble with my ph. When I first add the water my ph is 7.1 I ph it to 5.7 add my food vital link and bio PAC and bio plus a my ph drops down to 4.1 once I've added the food. So I've tired adding the food to the water then ph-ing bang on 5.7 but a day later it's still dropping really low how can I get it to be more stable cheers guys. Disclaimer - You must be over 18 years old to view/use this site does not encourage growing Cannabis or possessing Cannabis. Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US States