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Thread: Bubbling Organic nutrients... Plant health/PH/Yield

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    Default Bubbling Organic nutrients... Plant health/PH/Yield

    I would like to do a post on Bubbling your organic nutrients. If you bubble too, please write in here what you use.

    Ok, so after having So many problems due to ph. I decided to buffer my nutes with oxygen. Few reasons, feed the soil an oxygen rich feed. Rid myself of ph problems for good. Also I'd rather buffer the feed in the tank, than wait 2 or 3 days for the plants to buffer it.

    I have done experiments with bio bizz, plant magic, bac organics, also many additives, molasses etc.

    I'm having very good results with buffering the nutes and would like to share it with you all.

    Simply if you grow organic, suffer from unhealthy plants, disappointing yields, deficiencies or just want even more bud! Then buffering the nutes is 100% for you. It gets you past that organic barrier of vast ph drops and changes your growing world. LOL

    I use a 10 litre fish tank. Plant magic silicon 1ml per 1 litre, then let that bind to the water for 20 minutes. Then add bio bizz alg-a-mic, grow and bloom (if in flowering).

    Under leds, I get 14 grams - 21 grams from an auto without buffering. By buffering my feeds my yields are over 3 times as much!!!

    If you are new to organic growing and want some real improvement... then buffer your feeds!

    I feel for many organic growers this is one road you will never look back from, once you go there. I have never seen my plants so healthy! Give it a go! Any other bubblers, please post too :-)

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    This plant is 35 days from seed. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	007.jpg 
Views:	51 
Size:	90.3 KB 
ID:	266977

    Healthy as a horse!! Get nothing like that without buffering :-)

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    In my experience it's best not to have organic nutes sitting around for any length of time once mixed...Using a pump and air stone will alway be beneficial as it adds dissolved oxygen to the solution. Generally speaking you don't need a big tank full of nutes mixed & sitting around when only feeding plants every 2 or 3 days. Try mixing & bubbling nutes 1 hour prior to feeding, thats how I was taught and never had any problems.

    Quote from Plant Magic "Due to the organic nature of the Old Timer feeds, we recommend that they are used with 24 hours of dilution with water. However the sooner they can be applied the better"

    Regards BL

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Bud Lightyear For This Useful Post:

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    I do a fresh tank for each feed. I have tried that, buffering for just a few hours, still takes ages for the ph to buffer in the soil, compared with mixing them for a few days. When it starts to froth up a treat it's ready. Many top pro growers do this until it looks like sewage LOL, I do too, and the plants just love it :-)

    I'm going to continue to buffer it for 2/3 days as the results I have been having are excellent. Even lower leaves are perfect.

    It's still better IMO to get the ph right. Some bubble it for like 5 days in big tanks. the more froth you get, the better the plants react. I have zero deficiencies now and growth is amazing, I aint changing a thing LOL 1 hours buffering can't be much different to shaking up a feed in a 2 litre bottle. Passes some air through. Even takes 2 hours just to buffer the water correctly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by UK Elvis View Post
    I do a fresh tank for each feed. I have tried that, buffering for just a few hours, still takes ages for the ph to buffer in the soil, compared with mixing them for a few days. When it starts to froth up a treat it's ready. Many top pro growers do this until it looks like sewage LOL, I do too, and the plants just love it :-)

    I'm going to continue to buffer it for 2/3 days as the results I have been having are excellent. Even lower leaves are perfect.

    It's still better IMO to get the ph right. Some bubble it for like 5 days in big tanks. the more froth you get, the better the plants react. I have zero deficiencies now and growth is amazing, I aint changing a thing LOL 1 hours buffering can't be much different to shaking up a feed in a 2 litre bottle. Passes some air through. Even takes 2 hours just to buffer the water correctly.
    You don't need to be concerned about the Ph of the solution going in...The buffering takes place in the medium due to the interaction between the compost and the nutes. The problem with leaving mixed organic nutes standing is they start to separate out at a molecular level you're slowing this process down by bubbling. The interaction between the nutes and medium is where the magic takes place. Organic nutes are not available for uptake by the plants from the off like chemical nutes, they need to be processed & broken down by the miro herd to turn them into a useable form. The sooner after mixing your feed goes into the medium the more effective it will be.

    Regards BL

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    I have done it several ways with varying times, also in 2 litre bottles. Don't really understand the science behind it, but you cannot ignore the fact that yields are triple and so is growth speed. I know some about how organics work. I know we are not feeding the plant, we are feeding the soil. I get better growth after 3 days bubbling than 1 days buffering. Yes the ph does matter to an extent, as you can cut the time out that the soil takes buffering it and grow the plants in that time instead. I know the soil takes 2.5-3 days before it starts to feed properly if I make up nutes in a bottle and shake them up. My plants start feeding within 5-6 hours I can see them growing, the leaves continue praying. I used to get deficiencies all the time without buffering it. Now I get nothing wrong at all and my plants prey all day long. Just supreme health and bigger yields

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    Quote Originally Posted by UK Elvis View Post
    I have done it several ways with varying times, also in 2 litre bottles. Don't really understand the science behind it, but you cannot ignore the fact that yields are triple and so is growth speed. I know some about how organics work. I know we are not feeding the plant, we are feeding the soil. I get better growth after 3 days bubbling than 1 days buffering. Yes the ph does matter to an extent, as you can cut the time out that the soil takes buffering it and grow the plants in that time instead. I know the soil takes 2.5-3 days before it starts to feed properly if I make up nutes in a bottle and shake them up. My plants start feeding within 5-6 hours I can see them growing, the leaves continue praying. I used to get deficiencies all the time without buffering it. Now I get nothing wrong at all and my plants prey all day long. Just supreme health and bigger yields
    Thats cool if it works for you bro...My info comes from the guy who was primarily involved with the development of the OT range of nutes. They are specifically designed and formulated to work with the water here in the UK unlike bio-bizz....When you say your buffering your nute solution, I assume you mean Ph adjustment, which is definitely not needed when growing organically in the uk with Plant magic old timers range of nutes & a decent compost.

    Regards BL
    Last edited by Bud Lightyear; 22-06-14 at 05:08 PM.

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    I totally respect your opinion. I also know a few growers that use organic nutes, don't bubble their nutes and grow awesome plants. for me, it just wasn't working that way. I was having problems with ph and lockout. I have grown many plants over the last 2 years without buffering it. But seriously, it works amazing and has changed everything for my growing. Trouble with pm nutes, grow lowers the ph, so does bloom. BAC organics and bio bizz grow lowers it, bloom makes the ph rise then. It is common a typical plant magic feed containing just grow and bloom, the ph can be as low as 2 or 3. Feeding it ph 2 caused me plants major problems. Now, I feed them around ph 6.2, they start to pray within hours, and grow like the clappers. Your system probably works amazing for you. For me, the point of this post wasn't to convert people to bubble their nutes. More to help people that are struggling with similar issues I used to struggle with myself. I'm No pro grower, but I can grow. I'm also not arrogant so... I will try and buffer nutes for 1-2 hours and test it on my northern lights x big buds auto's. I will update next few days feedback. But I'm certainly getting sewage froth style bubbles for the others LOL

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    Your first post when you joined here.....

    Quote Originally Posted by UK Elvis View Post
    I have done 1 cfl grow before with a mate, just to learn the basics
    Then this today......

    Quote Originally Posted by UK Elvis View Post
    I have grown many plants over the last 2 years
    Dude your information is wrong and misleading.

    Regards BL

  13. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Bud Lightyear For This Useful Post:

    B.A.BARACUS (22-06-14), FACE (22-06-14), PJR71 (22-06-14), UK Elvis (22-06-14)

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    Yes, Fair one. However, I will explain. I only joined here to get info on using hps lights and the set up I needed. I do use leds and have journals going elsewhere with them. Tbh, didn't want to say too much here, read a few posts about people leaving here coz of the people running it!!! Even seasoned pro's leaving...!

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