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Thread: 5x5 passive intake grow tent design question.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2011
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    Default 5x5 passive intake grow tent design question.

    hey guys, can you look at my diagram and tell me if my math is ok, using a 4inch 175 cfm fan/4 inch ducting, and a 600 watt hid the tent in question is 5x5x6.5
    I know i'd be safe with a 6 inch, but i already have a 4 inch,id like to utilize what i got
    also, for a passive intake, is 4 inch out 4 inch in good, or should i use a different size for out/in?
    I look forward to reading you input. (setup image link below)

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	277619


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
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    First of dont ever exaust outside, attach it to a ducting to spread the hit evenly or pump it down below ur house..... save on your heater bills just pm me if u want me to return ^^

    U wont need any passive fan cause ur exhuast will do the job,
    Dont force air in it very slightly or leave it be ...alway keep a negative pressure in ur tent so the smell dont slip out the tent zippers and holes due to positive pressure.
    Last edited by xxmodderxx; 02-12-14 at 03:19 AM.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to xxmodderxx For This Useful Post:

    My Tent Or Yours (25-12-14)

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