Looking fantastic BWD hope the sun keeps shining on those beauties.
Looking fantastic BWD hope the sun keeps shining on those beauties.
“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”
Winston Churchill
BackWoodsDrifter (08-08-24)
Sorry BWD, but had to take that down because of the advertising in the photo. Not allowed without being a sponsor.
BackWoodsDrifter (13-08-24), IceCalibur (12-08-24)
IceCalibur (13-08-24), M_C (15-08-24)
Hope you're all safe warm and in good company folks in times getting harder and harder to do. Need shade?
ggotch (12-09-24), Lowrollerbean (18-08-24), M_C (17-08-24), The budda (09-09-24)
About 8 feet high currently. I'm still debating to hack them down before flowing gets going.
ggotch (12-09-24), Lowrollerbean (18-08-24), M_C (17-08-24), The budda (09-09-24)
Could someone direct me to the Potm submissions for voting for July. Blue says it's been posted but unfortunately my system is not acknowledging or *****ng it. Thanks folks have a great day.
Lowrollerbean (18-08-24)
Is this what you are looking for? https://www.thctalk.com/cannabis-for...-T-M-July-2024
"fanatics who have appointed themselves as the sole arbiters of what should be done, bound by neither the principles of democracy or the rule of law"
Judge Christopher Hehir
BackWoodsDrifter (18-08-24), Lowrollerbean (18-08-24)
Mornin from the cabin.
IceCalibur (09-09-24), Lowrollerbean (22-08-24), mpsj (22-08-24), The budda (09-09-24)
BackWoodsDrifter (23-08-24)
Mornin Tea in the misty rain with my ladies. Hope you all are safe warm and in good company folks in times getting harder and harder to do. Blessings from the cabin and fireside warm.
The Night Watchmen
ggotch (12-09-24), IceCalibur (09-09-24), The budda (09-09-24)
THCtalk.com Disclaimer - You must be over 18 years old to view/use this site .THCtalk.com does not encourage growing Cannabis or possessing Cannabis. Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US States