4x Northern lights fem auto 400w mh & 400w 2700k cfl questions
alright so i have some questions about my plants. but first pictures!
plant #1
plant #2
plant #3
plant #4
plant 3 and 4 side by side height comparison
alright so first question. i think its plant one has yellow fan leafs. the new growth for the last few weeks has been ok but i still wan to know was that some deficiency or was it major nute burn?
next is #1 #2 #3 all look the same same color same plant structure, the one is about 25% taller but they still look the same. then theres #4 same age as the other 3, from the same batch of seed but its WAY darker green, is half the height of one and 25% shorter then the rest. and its been in flower for like 4 weeks while the other 3 started the same time about 2/2.5 weeks ago. is this just from bad unstable genetics? or is it prob from how it was grown?
last question i can think of right now is about #4's fox tailing. its starting to fox tail really bad to where it looks like it wont form nice round buds but will end up with more like long finger buds. what is this from? is there anyways i can avoid that in the other plants? they seam about 2 weeks behind in flower so im hoping i have time to correct them so they grow proper.
o forgot to mention the seeds are northern lights fem auto from crop king seeds. grown under 400w mh and 400ish actual watts of 2700k cfl. planted in 5 gallon buckets. flower fert is 10-15-10
and and all comments or advice would be sweet
srry working on getting an admin to allow me to edit the post so i can make the pictures show up rather then be links.
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