Indoor grow I've checked both sides of the leaves and with a scope I can't find anything but more holes appearing daily anyone got any ideas and how do I kill it
Indoor grow I've checked both sides of the leaves and with a scope I can't find anything but more holes appearing daily anyone got any ideas and how do I kill it
There not old splash marks?
From behind the bushes
Looking at the holes it's gonna be a big bug, just had a look at some beetles same kind of holes
From behind the bushes
I had the exact same problem with bugs that we still call the whatevers, another THC Talk member suggested I put some sacrificial plants with my canna so the whatevers would have something else to eat, it worked well for the bugs. I totally understand your frustration with not being able to find the culprit. I also used some peppermint oil and water mixed together as a spray it also will deter insects from snacking on your plants.
At this stage I'd monitor the situation rather than worry about it...
Blessed are the cheesemakers
Bud Lightyear (16-06-21), GEORGE (16-06-21)
Most likely a caterpillar of some sort...First guess would be moth...Dont think its too keen on canna though, it didn't finish its dinner
Regards BL
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I second the sacrificial plant idea. Look up Nasturtium.
French Marigolds is another option, but this one is for repelling bugs. Garlic too. Garlic would put your carbon filter to the test, as if canna is not stinky enough already LOL!
Personally I would not drench the canna with neem, or any oils for that matter, may be a dab of it here and there on the leaves, well away from the buds, but that is just me.
One Love, and Mon The Talk!
The Six L Rule: No Smell, No Tell, No Sell,
And mind those deci-BELS
May we all cross the line safe and sound, time after time, everytime.
Blue61 (16-06-21), Bud Lightyear (16-06-21), GEORGE (16-06-21), IceCalibur (16-06-21), JaayDogg (16-06-21), M_C (16-06-21) Disclaimer - You must be over 18 years old to view/use this site does not encourage growing Cannabis or possessing Cannabis. Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US States