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Thread: 1 plant coco scrog in 70 x 70 sf300 / sf1000

  1. #21

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    Thanks. She's saying I can use the back half of a cupboard if I can out another door midway, gives me 1m x 900m, or i can use the attic, I do not want to go down the road of growing in my attic again so I'm going to have to work out a way to get some kind or door put in that I can lock.
    I have a bluelabs truncheon and ph pen but that's as far as I've got with ordering.
    I was hoping to use 1 store to buy all the equipment from but greens really do not have a great deal these days.
    Any other hydroponic shops recommended?

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to hoochter For This Useful Post:

    Farmer Geddon (09-07-22), Frosty (09-07-22), GEORGE (09-07-22), r33ee (09-07-22), V8 (09-07-22)

  3. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by hoochter View Post
    Thanks. She's saying I can use the back half of a cupboard if I can out another door midway, gives me 1m x 900m, or i can use the attic, I do not want to go down the road of growing in my attic again so I'm going to have to work out a way to get some kind or door put in that I can lock.
    I have a bluelabs truncheon and ph pen but that's as far as I've got with ordering.
    I was hoping to use 1 store to buy all the equipment from but greens really do not have a great deal these days.
    Any other hydroponic shops recommended?
    1 x 900 meters is huuuge.

    I guess you ment 1x90cm. Thats a good size. Im at 95x95cm with photos. Pull ish 500g/harvest

    Mini veg tent grow: V8`s mini garden

  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to V8 For This Useful Post:

    Farmer Geddon (09-07-22), Frosty (09-07-22), GEORGE (09-07-22), hoochter (09-07-22), r33ee (09-07-22)

  5. #23

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    Get most stuff on amazon

    "Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet."

  6. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Easy-T For This Useful Post:

    Farmer Geddon (09-07-22), Frosty (09-07-22), GEORGE (09-07-22), hoochter (09-07-22), r33ee (09-07-22), V8 (09-07-22)

  7. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by V8 View Post
    1 x 900 meters is huuuge.

    I guess you ment 1x90cm. Thats a good size. Im at 95x95cm with photos. Pull ish 500g/harvest

    Sorry I meant 900 mm made im in Scotland purely metric, 500 grams is a great yield i would be happy with half of that once a year to keep me in smoke, I figure that would be enough.

    I've been looking at Amazon, that's where the truncheon amd pen came from, I just thought a grow shop would beinfit more that Amazon but I do pay from Prime.

  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to hoochter For This Useful Post:

    Farmer Geddon (09-07-22), Frosty (09-07-22), GEORGE (09-07-22), r33ee (09-07-22), V8 (09-07-22)

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