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Thread: What really is a Terpene bag?

  1. #1

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    Default What really is a Terpene bag?

    "Terpene is one of the largest class of natural product derived from plants, the aromatic compounds that when taken out of the plants, can be like a signature of the species. Terpenes are often responsible for the smell of plants, like the smell of a rose or a specific type of cannabis. The terpene bags are nothing but bags made up of plastic materials that are filled with different types of terpenes that are to be kept at the open stretch of a flowering cannabis plant, which is akin to giving the plant a bath of all the terpenes. The purpose of the terpene bag is to aid the cannabis plant in its growth, especially in the flowering stage. The amount of time the terpene bag is kept on the plant will determine the level of terpene concentration the plant will have absorbed by the end of the flowering stage, and the result will be the distinctive smell the plant will have at the end. The terpene bags are not just used for cannabis plants but can be used for other plants as well."

    Is Terpenebags that important in the cultivation of cannabis?

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    GEORGE (02-09-22)

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    Moved to a more suitable sub-forum
    Blessed are the cheesemakers

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to M_C For This Useful Post:

    GEORGE (02-09-22)

  5. #3

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    Welcome to the Talk dude, enjoy.

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