“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”
Winston Churchill
CityDweller (25-09-23), Deku Nut (25-09-23), Easy-T (25-09-23), illearth67 (25-09-23), MrG (25-09-23), Shaun (25-09-23), Sun&Soil (12-10-23)
CityDweller (25-09-23), Deku Nut (25-09-23), Easy-T (25-09-23), illearth67 (25-09-23), MrG (25-09-23), Sun&Soil (12-10-23)
CityDweller (25-09-23), Deku Nut (25-09-23), Easy-T (25-09-23), illearth67 (25-09-23), mpsj (25-09-23), MrG (25-09-23), Sun&Soil (12-10-23)
CityDweller (25-09-23), Deku Nut (25-09-23), Easy-T (25-09-23), illearth67 (25-09-23), MrG (25-09-23), Shaun (25-09-23), Sun&Soil (12-10-23)
I very much agree. It's good for a person's mental and physical health to get out and about in the wilds.
It's a sad fact that there are millions of people living in the UK's inner cities who never get to experience these wonderful places.
I consider myself very lucky to live in Scotland because we still have large wilderness areas where a person can go for days without seeing another soul.
In my younger days I was a very keen on hiking, camping and cycling. Unfortunately, I don't have the spare time to travel as much these days but I still manage the occasional weekend.
I'll be sure to post pics of the places I visit so you guys can see the variety of landscapes we have here.
CityDweller (27-09-23), Easy-T (25-09-23), mpsj (26-09-23), MrG (26-09-23), Sun&Soil (12-10-23)
Found these yesterday while scouting for deer.
WINTERBERRY (llex verticillata)
SPINDLE-SHAPED YELLOW WORM CORAL (Clavulinopsis fusiformis)
This sci-fi fungi develops several structural forms which depend on the substrate upon which it grows.
There’s a strange micro-world within crust fungi.
CityDweller (27-09-23), Easy-T (27-09-23), MrG (27-09-23), Sun&Soil (12-10-23)
Very cool. Are you in the midwest, mpsj?
CityDweller (28-09-23), Easy-T (30-09-23), mpsj (28-09-23), MrG (27-09-23), Sun&Soil (12-10-23)
If i had to guess i would say ohio or northern arkansas or alabama. Am probably way off tho
CityDweller (28-09-23), Easy-T (30-09-23), mpsj (28-09-23), MrG (27-09-23), Sun&Soil (12-10-23)
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