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Thread: Durban Poison with deficiency in veg

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Mid Central Region, USA
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    Default Durban Poison with deficiency in veg

    Hello good people,

    I'm in late veg and trying to resolve a nutrient or pH issue with my five Durban Poison clones.
    This was my first time cloning! "Woot!" I had to unfortunately isolate them as the 5 foot mother I took them from, later developed thrips. Ended up killing the mom and now I check the clones frequently and see no indicators of pests. She clean!

    These five girls started in 1 gallon fabric pots for 40 days and then translated them into four 3 gallon and one 5 gallon smart pots. The clones are only 20 inches tall for 88 days old.. . I feel these should be much larger. Regardless, I'm committed to finish.

    Lighting (As of 3 weeks ago) 2 - SF-2000 and 1 GLS GroPro 320 which at 60% provides a good rating - 440/PPFD and DLI 28 at 14" from canopy via the PPFD Meter app on my Samsung S22. Seeing good new growth progress with added 3rd light, still clean looking in appearance.

    Feeding 24 ounces of tap water with 5ml MegaCrop (all in one), 2ml Silica, 3ml additional CalMag, pH 6.4 to 6.6, EC 1.8.
    This EC amount is close to max as new tips and next two nodes down are not showing brown tips. The pictures show this hopefully.

    I did a soil slurry test using RO water which was .07 ppm and natural pH of 7.0. I did not adjust the pH for this test, as I did not see any mention to adjust the pH when testing. Soil slurry pH read 7.0. Not sure if I goofed that test since everything was pH of 7.0? It's a reliable working EC reader. .Thought it would help to mention.
    My last feed (yesterday) was 1 gallon of untreated tap with 5ml of Epsom salt for each plant.
    Here are some pics,
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Please let me know if you have some suggestions.


  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to ToughCall For This Useful Post:

    Deku Nut (25-02-23), dick_turpine (25-02-23), GEORGE (24-02-23), mpsj (24-02-23), scoot (24-02-23), Tommy stoner (25-02-23)

  3. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Been Thanked: 16,294 Times


    Quote Originally Posted by ToughCall View Post
    Hello good people,

    I'm in late veg and trying to resolve a nutrient or pH issue with my five Durban Poison clones.
    This was my first time cloning! "Woot!" I had to unfortunately isolate them as the 5 foot mother I took them from, later developed thrips. Ended up killing the mom and now I check the clones frequently and see no indicators of pests. She clean!

    These five girls started in 1 gallon fabric pots for 40 days and then translated them into four 3 gallon and one 5 gallon smart pots. The clones are only 20 inches tall for 88 days old.. . I feel these should be much larger. Regardless, I'm committed to finish.

    Lighting (As of 3 weeks ago) 2 - SF-2000 and 1 GLS GroPro 320 which at 60% provides a good rating - 440/PPFD and DLI 28 at 14" from canopy via the PPFD Meter app on my Samsung S22. Seeing good new growth progress with added 3rd light, still clean looking in appearance.

    Feeding 24 ounces of tap water with 5ml MegaCrop (all in one), 2ml Silica, 3ml additional CalMag, pH 6.4 to 6.6, EC 1.8.
    This EC amount is close to max as new tips and next two nodes down are not showing brown tips. The pictures show this hopefully.

    I did a soil slurry test using RO water which was .07 ppm and natural pH of 7.0. I did not adjust the pH for this test, as I did not see any mention to adjust the pH when testing. Soil slurry pH read 7.0. Not sure if I goofed that test since everything was pH of 7.0? It's a reliable working EC reader. .Thought it would help to mention.
    My last feed (yesterday) was 1 gallon of untreated tap with 5ml of Epsom salt for each plant.
    Here are some pics,
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20230223_192447~3.jpg 
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ID:	436741
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20230223_192437~3.jpg 
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20230223_192447~2.jpg 
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ID:	436743
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20230223_192412~2.jpg 
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Size:	1.84 MB 
ID:	436744

    Please let me know if you have some suggestions.

    Good news it looks like only the lower fan leaves are affected. Appearance-wise perhaps a Potassium deficiency.

  4. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to mpsj For This Useful Post:

    Deku Nut (25-02-23), dick_turpine (25-02-23), GEORGE (24-02-23), scoot (24-02-23), Tommy stoner (25-02-23), ToughCall (01-03-23), V8 (24-02-23)

  5. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Mid Central Region, USA
    Been Thanked: 1,467 Times



    Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my questions.
    I want to get this corrected and flip them to 12/12 as this has been my longest veg period to date.


  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to ToughCall For This Useful Post:

    Deku Nut (02-03-23), GEORGE (01-03-23), scoot (01-03-23)

  7. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    Thanked 3 Times


    Hi there! it's possible that the results may not be accurate due to not adjusting the pH of the RO water used for the test. I would recommend doing a full soil test. Additionally, consider checking the pH of your runoff after watering, as this will give you a better understanding of the actual pH in the root zone.

  8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to For This Useful Post:

    barney_b (01-03-23), GEORGE (01-03-23), scoot (01-03-23)

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