Hey all...Johnboy49 here. Been growing meds for about 2 years. Need some advice, or validation really, about handling my dilemma. I grow feminized autos due to circumstances in a small tent. One plant went too long and rodelized and self pollinated and produced seeds...still pretty good medicine but not as good as it should have been. Of the other 2 plants that were exposed, one showing signs and the other not sure yet, but I don't see how it's not pollinated. Anyway, after these 2 are done, I plan on using a new tent which I already planned on before this happened. New filter, fan, ducting, everything with the exception of the lights which I plan on sanitizing. the new tent will be in the same garage, and I will have exhausted with my large purge fan for a couple of days (planning on waiting about a month to start up again,) Having all new tent and equipment should I be okay and safe from further pollination by then? Thanks fam.