B1unt (22-07-23), CityDweller (22-07-23), GEORGE (22-07-23), Jingo (22-07-23), V8 (22-07-23)
CityDweller (22-07-23), GEORGE (22-07-23), Jay2k (22-07-23)
just out of curiosity, what is everyone's drying method now?
Time frame, dry/wet cut, hanging the plant upside down as a whole /stem by stem and dried, amount of dark time before chop (if any), temperatures and humidity and finally curing method if you do at all?
Cheers guys and happy weekend lol!!
B1unt (22-07-23), CityDweller (22-07-23), GEORGE (22-07-23), V8 (22-07-23)
My method:
- Chop & hang the whole plant, keep RH @ 60% or below for the first couple of days (exhaust fan on hard).
- Leave to hang while measuring moisture content with the triminator moisture meter.
- When they hit 14% moisture content, I trim the branches down to about 6"-8" of buds & sugar leaves & put them into paper bags, which I leave open for a day.
- After a day the paper bags go into bin liners which I seal up for the air tight goodness
- A week or so later I start opening the bags & trimming at my leisure (sod trying to take a whole harvest from dry to jars in one go).
- Once trimmed the buds go into jars.
- If RH in the jars hits 65%+ I burp them & leave them sealed at around 62% (for storage).
When consuming, I like to burp the RH of the jar down to 58%
Temperature as low as you can get it, RH 60% (I'll happily let my RH creep towards the end of the dry once the plants aren't holding so much moisture & I am out of the danger zone for mold to try & squeeze an extra day or two out the process.
The best ghetto way I've found to keep temps down is throw ice in the bucket I use for the humidifier, it also helps to pay attention to the weather forecast to make sure it won't be blazing hot or or a torrential downpour at harvest time.
B1unt XIV: OG's & Bubblegum - https://www.thctalk.com/cannabis-for...-from-Mephisto
CityDweller (22-07-23), GEORGE (22-07-23), Jay2k (22-07-23), V8 (22-07-23)
I break my plant into 3. Then hang then to dry in my tent. I also remove some of the fan leaves but not all.
Exhaust on 3/10
Temp 16-20
Rh 60+
Usually takes 8-10days.
CityDweller (22-07-23), GEORGE (22-07-23), Jay2k (22-07-23)
I harvest in stages. Tops first, then mids, then lowers. This lets all the buds get well done for a nice couchlock.
I try to trim as i harvest.
I hang the branches inside cardboard boxes which sit in my room.
Once dry, the buds go into jars, which get burped until it holds at 62% rh inside the jars. Then i try not to touch them for 3 months, usually longer. I find a long cure makes for a smoother smoke.
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