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Thread: grove bags - room humidity

  1. #11

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    Wouldn't a paper bag completely dry out the buds though, or are you saying use the paper bag to get the buds to the right RH then jar or use grove bag?

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  3. #12

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    3 weeks in A Paper bag and then into the jars. You only need to Stire the paper bags once A Day then close them back up.

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  5. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by GEORGE View Post
    3 weeks in A Paper bag and then into the jars. You only need to Stire the paper bags once A Day then close them back up.
    From chop or after drying?

    I don't think it really matters, I usually dry A couple or 3 days on my rack then into the paper bags.
    Last edited by GEORGE; 13-10-23 at 11:38 PM.

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  7. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jstatus View Post
    Hey buddy.
    I know where you are coming from with the RH in the house.
    This is a picture of my grove bag with some dank stardawg in....
    Bag on 62% and has been for days now, even though the room it's in is way up into the 80's RH.

    Take your buds out your jars or grove bags when the RH goes near 65% and place them all on some paper and put in same room as dehumidifier set at 60%. As soon as you are at 60% then put buds back in jars or grove bags and seal up and check 4 or 5 hours later. Will probably find that they will be at 62 or 63%, then as soon as RH goes above 65 again you just repeat same process.
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    Thanks for this fella, it took a little while taking the buds in and out... but now all bags are holding 60-62 rh for last 5 days!
    I've heat sealed them as I was getting a fair stink with just the zip seal, think I will go the recommended 6 weeks now, see what the buds are like then!! Obviously I have some samples to hand... It will be good too see how different the grove bag cure is on the nose and palate lol

  8. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to stealthbonger For This Useful Post:

    GEORGE (19-10-23), Jstatus (20-10-23), MrG (19-10-23), Viff (19-10-23)

  9. #15

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    The grove bags have worked well in the past, but only if you get them down to around 60% humidity. They will keep them at the right level for a while. For me though a glass jar and a boveda pack after burping them works best.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Panzerdank For This Useful Post:

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  11. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzerdank View Post
    The grove bags have worked well in the past, but only if you get them down to around 60% humidity. They will keep them at the right level for a while. For me though a glass jar and a boveda pack after burping them works best.
    I have glass jars but fancied giving the grove bags a go to see which I prefer. Tbh since I got the bags down to 61-62 % and heat sealed them they've held the rh for a week so far.
    I think with anything you sort of get mixed reviews, some say the bags are amazing some say not so much.
    Others say the jars are best, some say the boveda packs effect the Terpenesin a negative way.. I guess it's about finding what is preferred by the grower

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to stealthbonger For This Useful Post:

    GEORGE (21-10-23), MrG (21-10-23), Viff (21-10-23)

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