Hello everyone, Thrilled to join this community and start my first grow with Skunk#1 Strain Feminized from ******** Seeds. Would love some advice on methods to ensure a good grow.Thanks
Hello everyone, Thrilled to join this community and start my first grow with Skunk#1 Strain Feminized from ******** Seeds. Would love some advice on methods to ensure a good grow.Thanks
GEORGE (07-10-24)
Hi and welcome to the forum, unclebobo, hopefully it's nice to have you here?
I'm noticing an influx of new members joining up recently, posting that it's their first grow, (which is great, we love that here), but then go on to let us know the place they've chosen to purchase their seeds, which just so happens to be this exact same company each and every time!
It's a shame this company feels the need to go around and ,underhandedly, spam their name around, which quite frankly does the opposite of what they're intending to do, and shows themselves to be untrustworthy, if anything.
I also find it interesting to note, that this company seems to have a terrible online reputation too, with negative reviews everywhere, growers calling them out to be scammers..
I'm sure it's no coincidence at all! that this same company uses 'spam tactics' for their leading advertising campaign!
Now, of course, since you wouldn't be affilated with this company in any shape or form, I'm sure you won't mind me censoring the name
Blue61 (19-09-24), GEORGE (07-10-24), Lowrollerbean (18-09-24), M_C (18-09-24), The budda (21-09-24)
Spam wanker
Up the irons
GEORGE (07-10-24), IceCalibur (21-09-24)
Thanks for the welcome! I honestly have no idea about that situation—joining the forum was my own decision as a new grower. I’m not affiliated with any company, just here to learn and share. I agree, spamming like that only damages their reputation. Feel free to censor the name if needed!
Welcome abord unclebobo, enjoy the talk dude.
The budda (08-10-24)
Welcome to thc anything we can help you with we will
I'm sorry for being a wanker
GEORGE (08-10-24)
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