GEORGE (22-04-20)
Thanks grub I gotta try something this ATF is the fire like to keep it going.
GEORGE (03-01-22), IceCalibur (02-01-22), scoot (02-01-22)
This is an example of what makes this forum so special for me..a thread created over 10 years ago, still to this day helping others grow
All of our posts and threads here have the potential to help hundreds if not thousands of others over time..maybe in another 10 years, posts created today will be helpful to someone, for thought
IceCalibur (07-12-24) Disclaimer - You must be over 18 years old to view/use this site does not encourage growing Cannabis or possessing Cannabis. Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US States