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Thread: Aruba Looking for internacional support.

  1. #1

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    Default Aruba Looking for internacional support.

    I hope my post doesn't bother you, or ask to much of your time. And I hope you can forgive me for any bad english. My goal is trying to legalize cannabis on my island Aruba.
    I became a solo warrior ,the group focus is not there ,they are lazy.Everyone can find me on facebook under Denver Oduber if you support my cause.
    If you direct your attencion to only 2 min of your time to read this post . I'm not asking to much and it's for a good cause and pardon me for any bad english. I am trying to open the peoples mind about cannabis not only on my island but the world I do live on the island of Aruba But it's a part of the world and we need to think on world wide. The fact is it helps the people.!
    That is including the people and goverment, you can't think of users without the goverment as they are the ones controlling the law. I got alot of support on my mentality and I want you people to leave comments what you think is good or bad on my ideas.
    My main goal what I want to achieve are the following.
    1.Legalizing the usage of cannabis (medical or spirtual)
    2.Legalizing so each user can plant on a 1m by 1m square anything bigger then that there will be a fine anything bigger then 2meter is consider a felony and will be charged as a dealer
    3.All users or planters needs to pay the goverment for a greencard to help the cash flow ( personly don't want it but we do have to think for the goverment)
    4.The extra cash flow will help the goverment give new jobs to people and or help paying debs ( controllers for the cannabis, farm growers)
    5.I want to goverment to actually make a sort of cannabis bank. In this the goverment has more control on the cannabisshop as we need to know by legalizing it means the people will try making shops.
    6. Any cannabis shop wanting to sell weed needs to but it from the bank maximum 500g per day where if they don't buy in a few days or even a day we can go check having more controll will break any backdoor weed sellers and shop abusing of the power of the 1m by 1 m square
    7.Any cannabis activity if any (cannacup, outdoor vs indoor,ect) Some part of the money earned needs to be giving to other fundacion as like cancer fund or clown docters. We are here to help people and to be equal as we humans needs to be.
    8.Legalizing will help against dealers breaking them or making them work harder to the point it's not worth it ,but I know and accept dealers will always be there legal or illegal as there is always a demend for it. Can't hide it
    9.legalizing it will make it even worthless to even import low grade cannabis as you can get it localy or plant your own plant.
    10. I actualy want a world wide cannabank where 1 bank can order from a other bank world wide. Again this is to fight against the real criminal the drug dealers. And to satisfy the peoples urge to get weed from Euro or USA. Don't fight it embrace it and break traffic of dealers.
    11.legalizing it will mean also we the cannabis user money will be saved inplace of making drug dealers richer.
    12.Legalizing it means the money the goverment earns can help in getting better equipments to help catch the real bad drugs.
    13. Educating each and everyone kids teens adults about the good bad and ugly of cannabis long therm or abuse effect.
    14.Legalizing it means we are giving the people a chance to have a maximum of 5gram on them have more you abused of the power and you will be consider a dealer
    15.Legalizing it means the people have a choice between pharmacy drugs or pharmacy cannabis. The people has to have a right to make a selection on there own.
    16.Educte the people on different drugs all the bad ones but also make aware that it's not the drugs problem it's actualy your mind. No one can force you to do something you don't want to do. When something is illegal people tend to go seek it out. If you fall addicted to any drugs it's your own fault as you accepted to try it.
    17. Helping the cops have more controll against more criminal act. (drunk drivers,thiefs,killers)
    18. I am not thinking on my behalf as I am thinking on the future before i was even born cannabis was there and I want my future generacion to embrace cannabis medical and spirtual and when I die I want people to continue.
    19. We can start hemp plantacion to help with alot of things.
    20.I am not asking for much just try it for 4 years if the goverment can legalize it they can also illegalize it if my word are not true

    A nice cup of hot tea is good as it goes from hot>warm>cold it gets unpleasant . Please I have a really hot cup and I want the people to help keep the fire on so It can stay hot.

    Any feeds back being good or bad is accepted as I accept everyone. Don't just like it say something.

    thank you all for your time if you read this. Go to my page and pls give comments I want words from the peoples of the world

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to tomuchboost For This Useful Post:

    Rockster (20-02-12)

  3. #2

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    Aruba? Isn't that a Dutch colony?

    Well, all the best with your efforts to try get cannabis legalised on your island and welcome to ThcTalk.

  4. #3

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    it is but due to to much high drug traffic we are based on some part dutch law, but sadly not the use of weed.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to tomuchboost For This Useful Post:

    Rockster (20-02-12)

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