4/20 hyde park 2012 update / pics
I thought it appropriate to post a Hyde Park 2012 update
There was virtually NO Police presence other than what would be normal for Hyde park.
Although quite stoned i only noticed 4 police cars between 2pm - 6pm slowly cruising through the park keeping their distance from everyone.
No Sniffer dogs and no extra policing on any public transport routes.
No arrests... (that i know of related to Hyde Park 4/20)
Gathering of 4/20 stoners
Speakers 'Skin-up' Corner
*every table had stoners either munchin, skinnin up or smokin
4/20 @ 4.20
Unfortunately it was raining so that would have put many people off attending, in total I guess about 3000 attended - good atmosphere and no trouble
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to ><{{{*>MiK<*}}}>< For This Useful Post:
ChuChu (21-04-12),
Goodbuddy (24-04-12),
Grub (24-04-12),
Jesse_tpfi (29-06-12),
TIKTOK (05-08-12)
Nice 1 Mik..
They cant arrest everyone eh..?
Hope you had a good day..
The Following User Says Thank You to ChuChu For This Useful Post:
Looks like a good turn out
Did they stay and let any lanterns off ?
most importantly was there any cocks there?
Cockroach and Poet used to go
The Following User Says Thank You to Icon For This Useful Post:
Sounds like a nice gathering,wish we had something like that here but where i live they would try to arrest everyone cuz they are Dicks! lol Welp hope fun was had by all and no arrests.
The Following User Says Thank You to 420Boss For This Useful Post:
The Following User Says Thank You to tissue999 For This Useful Post:
ChuChu I guess they decided it was not worth any paperwork, I don't even recall any media there either... All seemed to be kept quiet to me and not really made public!
Icon: Unfortunately I had to be at work at 4pm so i could only stay until about 6pm
It did seem that many fellow stoners were leaving then anyway as the weather was quite nasty
I see a thread where Poet mentions that he will be in attendance but not sure now if that was a recent 420 thread!
420Boss! I Agree, it's a shame that where ever you are an event like this cannot be arranged With enough people though the Police surely have to ignor as 3000 people is so much paperwork for the UK Police
I have been looking to see if any arrests were made and could not find anything so all seems as i first thought, the Police 'turned a blind eye' as it was a peaceful gathering of stoners
Tissue999: I think it's worth putting the date in the diary as 4/20 is celebrated every year and I am sure that there would have been double the amount of people in Hyde Park if the weather was good.
Next year I would expect even more stoners to gather when the word spreads about the peaceful toking to be had @ 420 Hyde Park 2012.
There should be a gathering every month And it should be in Green Park... Never did understand the Hyde Park choice
Last edited by ><{{{*>MiK<*}}}><; 24-04-12 at 12:58 AM.
This "Cannabis Event" thread is too far down the page.. I only noticed it because I scrolled too far lol
Look how chilled and relaxed everyone is. Throw a bit of alcohol in that mix and police presence would have been needed.
Glad you had a good time.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to TheCandyManCan For This Useful Post:
><{{{*>MiK<*}}}>< (25-04-12),
Oxy (18-11-12)
how the fuck didn't i know about this...?
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