my missus went to the local pound shop,she bought strawberrys,bulbs of various sorts and these weird blotting paper rings of seeds,well the strawberry if there ever was any have rotted away,all that she got for her pound was shouted at by me in a panic!,when i looked in the thankfully still sealed bag there was something moving!on closer inspection it became clear that it was full of newly hatched fungus gnats!i took it outside and stamped on it and killed the fuckers,but then she proceeded to start planting the bulbs,well out of over 50 supposed bulbs 40 odd were empty husks!the seed in blotting paper things bought a few weeks ago in the same place are rotting and the only growth on them is the mould!so do i dig them up and kick off which is my first reaction,i would say that i wouldnt waste £1 on anything in there,but she thought in her sweet trusting way that she was getting a bargain,she really hates it when i complain,i consider myself an accumplished complainer,i always get what i want in the end,usually just to get rid!but she has this strange britishness about it,me on the other hand would create until i got either the money back or the goods do i let them carry on selling death and disease or go kick of?